Category Archives: Lesson 1

Lesson 1:3 – Introductions to Thomas King and Stories

The expectation of this post is take Thomas King’s story about how evil comes into the world, memorize it, change it (or not), tell the story to family/friends, and record some commentary on what was discovered through this journey.

There is a story I know, and it goes like this…

This is a story I know very well, as I have told it countless times, about how evil came into the world.  Before there were countries and regions and metropolises and cities, the world was a much more simple place.  With humans, animals, and others alike, equality was of utmost importance.  Everyone lived off the land as they needed, and if they fell short there were all of the others to help them.  If humans and animals could not fill the void of those not fortunate enough to be equal, there were others, such as witches with potions and spells, that were more than happy to fill the void – thus creating the equality the world then strived for.  There was competition for nothing, not food nor land or water, but a magical simplicity that ruled their world. This was all true until a gloomy fall day when an unnamed, dark-spirited witch came into the world – ultimately ruining it.  In these times, as is the same with now, fall/winter is a down time for individuals who live off the land; and since everyone lived off the land at this time, everyone, including the witches, were not doing much of anything.  With this down time, came an unfortunate idea from the dark-spirited witch whom no one knew very well – a plan for all witches to compete to create magic, potions, and spells of poor taste.  With an understandably poor first reaction from the majority of others, the dark-spirited witch confirmed with the others that the magic, potions, and spells of poor taste would be destroyed immediately following the competition; due to it just being that – a good-spirited competition.  Once the competition was completed, and every witch had created the poorest of creations they could imagine, it was confirmed that the dark-spirited witch had won the competition with his ability to obtain all of the poorest magic, potions, and spells created for all of time.  This is how evil made its way into the world – initially through the infinite evil of one individual.

Now for some commentary on what I discovered through sharing my story.

Being what I consider a relatively non-creative individual, I began this assignment with some hesitancy that turned to haste.  This is obviously never a way to approach an assignment, and I quickly realized it was definitely not the way to approach a story.  Through slowing down and forcing myself to take in and enjoy Thomas King’s chapter, I was able to see the wonderful details in the stories he portrayed to us.  This allowed me, a self described non-creative individual, to really delve into the enjoyment of making (and telling) a story.  Albeit my story is very short, it opened my eyes to the general appreciation of story telling.  The individuals I shared my story with were also initially hesitant to listen, as telling them a story such as this was not something I would normally force upon them; but, with some convincing, I was able to tell my story to them.  I found these people appreciating my creative short story, although it was out of the norm.  This allowed me, as well as them, to create a new found appreciation for not only sharing and listening to stories, but creativity in general.

Thanks for reading!

Devon Smith


Filed under Lesson 1

Lesson 1:1

First off, I would like to say hello to everyone, and welcome you to my ENGL 470: Canadian Literary Genre’s blog!  My name is Devon Smith, and I am currently in my final term at UBC, majoring in Sociology.  I was born in Victoria, B.C., but grew up in the Lower Mainland.  I have played high-level soccer my whole life, but am definitely a sports enthusiast in general.  As I assume the majority of other sports fan’s are, I am currently very excited and nervous about this weekend’s NFL playoff games. Beyond school and soccer, I play a full-time role in a management position for JOEY Restaurants; so I am definitely a busy guy.  That’s probably enough about myself, as I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other quite well throughout the term. Here is an old photo of me doing what I love (clearly didn’t quite have the proper technique down yet):


As I said previously, I am a Sociology major, so I am not necessarily a literature aficionado.  But, as I was looking through the list of courses that could potentially fulfill the Literature Requirement for my BA, I came across ENGL 470 – After reading the course description and looking up a previous syllabus, it was an immediate YES! for me.  Canada is clearly a multicultural land, but here we will be able to gain a better perspective, through the literature, on the processes that got us to where we are today.

Through this course, I hope to get to know all of you on an academic level – allowing us to build off of one another’s thoughts and ideas.  I am very interesting in learning, through the Canadian literature, the different agencies individuals residing in Canada have had and have now, but especially how these agencies have changed over time.  I believe that through the literature we are required to read, but especially through the dialogues we create on each other’s blogs, all of our expectations of this course will be easily met.

Talk to you all soon!





Filed under Lesson 1