Category Archives: IB

Different ways to express myself

Throughout the second week of two-week practicum, my grade one students had many opportunities to explore different ways to express themselves. It was a great week for them to show off their creativity skills through many disciplines such as in art, writing, music, literacy, dance and more.

On Thursday, I had a chance to teach music class where I taught how to create different rhythms and beats by using wooden percussion instrument. I used to volunteer in teaching music lessons in one of the kindergarten class during my undergraduate years and therefore, it was a great chance for me to apply my previous teaching experience to my practicum class. When I was teaching, I tried to connect our music lesson to IB curriculum in many ways such as by asking attitudes and attributes that students need to consider when playing the instrument during class and connecting to the current U.O.I. by mentioning how playing musical instrument is one of the ways to express yourself.

However, one of the most essential IB curriculum that I believe I taught during this class is going over some of the key concepts. Before I started handing out the instruments to the students, I asked them “what is it like?” and “what it is made out of?” in order to go over the key concept of ‘form’.

This is the instrument that I used during class. The instrument is called “Wooden Crow Sounder Tube”; when we hit the instrument with the given wooden stick, it makes a similar sound of a crow.

Also, I asked the class “how does it work to make a sound?” which is the main question that is addressed by the key concept of ‘function’. I was surprised by how the students were able to come up with so many different ways to make sound using this instrument. Some answers were very innovative and interesting that I have never thought of. For example, one of the students answered that we could put the wooden stick inside the hole in the middle of the wooden tube and shake it to make a sound. Also, when we started playing the instrument, one of the other students mentioned that instead of just hitting the tube part to make the same sound, we can try making different sound by striking the handle part of this wooden instrument. Interestingly when we tried this, the sound made the higher pitch and that’s when I introduced to the class the musical concept of ‘pitch’.

This is a picture of me teaching how to play a wooden crow sounder tube to the class.

I was just so amazed by the students’ curiosity and creativity during this class. I was amazed how they can easily come up with very innovative ideas and thoughts that no one would have thought of. On the other hand, I also learned how these IB key concepts provide students many opportunities to strengthen their thinking skills and able to share their own new ideas with the others. In addition, I was happy to see that some examples of inquiry-based learning were happening during my music class.

Students teach me as much as I teach them

As I began my first week of the short practicum, my grade one class started a new unit called “Personal Experiences shape self-expression”. The unit focused and reflected on the transdisciplinary theme of “How we express ourselves”. Students inquired about different ways in which they discover and express their ideas, feelings, thinkings, culture, beliefs and values.

During the Unit of Inquiry class, I was surprised to see how the students were able to throw out many different ways to express themselves. For example, one of the student mentioned how she loves to draw to express herself. Another student shared to the class how she coloured her drawing blue when she felt tired and sad. I got really surprised when I heard this because it was just amazing how she was applying the concept of “Zones of regulation” to express her everyday emotions. She was being knowledgeable by exploring and applying the Zones of regulation concept to the U.O.I class.

This is the poster of the concept “The Zones of Regulation” by Leah M. Kuypers that was displayed in Grade 1 classroom at my practicum school.

This inspired me so much that I looked it up to learn about this concept in depth so that I can use it during my teaching. I was happy to see how not only I provided the knowledge to the student, but I also learned something from the student during my practicum. In other words, students teach me as much as I teach them! This is one of the reason that becoming a teacher is such an exciting moment for me. This really encourages me to feel that I really want to teach and interact with the students and with the class more.