Make Every Word Count

Brands are constantly testing their content on social media channels and are trying to figure out the most ideal and effective way to reach their audience. What is the best medium? Should we include images? What should the message say? This last one might often be overlooked: how long should the message be?

With the attention span of online audiences being very limited, it is essential to come up with a catchy message that gets to the point. Realistically, who reads into lengthy articles without knowing the purpose to begin with? Nobody has time for that anymore!

Adweek has created an infographic on the ideal length of message according to channel and function. I posted a snippet for you to see below.

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I definitely agree with everything Adweek says being an easily distracted individual myself. I find that I’m always multi-tasking (or so I think I am) when on these digital channels. Am I the only one playing with my phone while reading content online? It’s really important for brands to step their word game up and create catchy one-liners or at least something to entice me to read further. If it’s too long or not engaging enough or doesn’t seem like it appeals to me, then it will be overlooked.

With that being said, however, length is not a make or break point; it’s just another important factor to take into consideration! Happy strategizing!

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