Digital Dollars

With digital media being the ‘new’ kid on the block, does this mean we’ll be saying bye to traditional media? I must admit I’ve been lucky to see the best of both worlds. I grew up in a time when you were lucky to have a desktop computer in your home and phones were actually meant for calling people. This also translated to being exposed solely to traditional media including TV, print, and radio. I remember when TV consumed much of my life as a child and now, I would be completely OK if I didn’t have one.

It’s been interesting to see the rise of digital and as a result, social as well. Now, there are several different channels and mediums brands can choose from to advertise. Forrester estimates that “digital advertising will overtake TV in 2016“. It’s important to note that they suggest that budgets won’t be reallocated to accommodate for digital but instead, increased to include digital. This is a smart idea to continue to stay relevant across all channels. Below are estimates of future spending among the most popular digital channels.

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I definitely don’t think traditional media is going anywhere. It’s still part of our lives and can be an effective form. It all depends on who you’re trying to reach and where your audience is. What channels are they using? Advertise through those! Don’t underestimate the power of traditional media even though digital and social are emerging at exponential rates.

I’ll leave you with a blend of both worlds – a TV like ad on a social channel. Even though I’m not a Snapchat user, I could see their latest tactic really take off. It’s more of a cohesive rendition of all popular social channels combined and allows the user to show more of a story.

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