Dibleen Grewal's Blog

Social Enterprise Works Wonders

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Social enterprise would still be necessary despite a fully funded United Nations. Although the United Nations is a phenomenal organization that combats world issues, sometimes more is necessary. In impoverish countries; such as those that Arc partners with, education on sustainable development is required. It is not possible for the UN to oversee small villages with dedication that is required, when there are so many pressing issues to deal with. No amount of money can replace the knowledge that is necessary for developing countries to continue their successes even after…read more

James Altucher: 10 Things You Need to Know to Become a Great Leader

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James Altucher’s blog post references his own real life examples, many of them mistakes, to display the importance of leadership. Leadership styles can be a defining characteristic of how successful a company will be. Altucher recalls being CEO of a company and then being fired from his position, loosing all his shares and voting power. Even though James had developed the initial idea of the business and located millions of dollars from investors, he was shown the door due to his lack leadership. Evidently, when working in a corporation, it…read more

UberX Comes to Canada

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UberX is a ride share car service that is in competition with taxi companies. Customers download the UberX app that allows them to access a supply of drivers within the area. During peak hours prices fluctuate with the demand, but there tends to be a higher supply of UberX vehicles available compared to taxis. Moreover, during regular hours, UberX services offer about 30% lower fares to its riders. Politicians and taxi drivers alike are not fond of this new development within Canada. This service takes away significantly from the customer…read more

Comment on: Jay Agrawal’s AIRNB Post

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While reading Jay’s blog about AIRNB, a company who has work spaces that are, open, welcoming, offer free homemade and healthy desserts, and even allows pets, I couldn’t help but compare it to Zappo’s, the company we discussed in class. As Jay mentioned, AIRNB and even Zappo’s, have a similar workplace structure to Google. AIRNB, a recent start up, is already valued at $13 billion. It is evident that there is success in following this workplace structure when using these three companies as examples. I agree with Jay, the investment…read more

Rolls-Royce Makes Big Changes

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Technological advancement is playing a significant factor in changes announced by Rolls-Royce. The company recently declared they will be cutting some 2,600 jobs and have forewarned there may be more to come. This wave of axing employees is the long-term effect of technology. It has become cheaper for Rolls-Royce to invest in expensive technology rather than pay its employees, or even outsource its products. However there is criticism of this decision. Some believe that there is no replacement for the skilled workers or engineers that Rolls-Royce may be loosing. Is…read more

Spirit Airlines Uses Brand Positioning To Their Advantage

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Spirit Airlines is known for its terrible service and has had the lowest rank, for all six consumer surveys, conducted of airlines. However, their profitable financials say otherwise. It is a conundrum as to why people continue to fly on an airline that provides poor customer service, at least until prices are compared to other companies. Spirit Airlines has significantly cheaper prices than that of its competitors; this comes to surface with the poor service many travellers receive. Although, the price difference is enough that many travellers continue to choose…read more

U.S. Government Will Now Include Global Warming as a Military Threat

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The Pentagon recently announced that climate change would be taking a step up from a threat multiplier, to an immediate factor, that worsens conflicts. It has been noticed that significant clashes around the globe are either initiated or further inflamed because of environmental factors. To combat this issue that U.S. government has decided to incorporate this potential threat into daily military objectives. Extra planning and training will take place to further prepare for these future missions. This topic links with corporate shared value. The U.S. government, acting as the business,…read more

Jell-O Aims To Make Comeback

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Over the past decade, Jell-O sales have been declining. Initially Jell-O was geared towards children, with fun fruit cups and pudding. The original market strategy had a taste of Nike, with famous spokespeople. I can vouch for their phenomenal branding from when I was a child; I would make myself sick eating their vanilla puddings. Following this, consumer trends changed to a more diet conscious individual. Instinctively Kraft, the group which owns Jell-O, changed it’s branding to follow suit. This strategy was successful for a short while, until consumers were…read more

First Nation’s In B.C. Are Stakeholder’s In Environmental Projects

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Taesko Mines Ltd is hoping to develop a New Prosperity mine near Fish Lake, B.C. This development would be harmful to the surrounding habitat and environment. It is unlikely that Taseko would have accounted for a tribal park to be an obstacle, in achieving the rights to develop the mine.  However a new and powerful stakeholder is now in the mix. First nations tribes, such as the Tsilhqot’in, are beginning to have more power, following the provincial recognition of their land. After this recognition the land Taesko had their eyes…read more

Comment On: Stella Cho’s Blog Post

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  When I initially saw Emma Watson’s UN speech for the “HeForShe” campaign, I too was moved. While Emma was speaking about facing sexism over her life and career, I found myself nodding, relating to what she was saying. Growing up as a first generation Indo-Canadian I have seen the unfair standards women are help up to in my culture. My sister’s and I have faced proving to those in our community, that we too can be as educated and successful as men. Just because we are women, does not…read more


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