Dibleen Grewal's Blog

Jell-O Aims To Make Comeback

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Over the past decade, Jell-O sales have been declining. Initially Jell-O was geared towards children, with fun fruit cups and pudding. The original market strategy had a taste of Nike, with famous spokespeople. I can vouch for their phenomenal branding from when I was a child; I would make myself sick eating their vanilla puddings. Following this, consumer trends changed to a more diet conscious individual. Instinctively Kraft, the group which owns Jell-O, changed it’s branding to follow suit. This strategy was successful for a short while, until consumers were…read more

First Nation’s In B.C. Are Stakeholder’s In Environmental Projects

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Taesko Mines Ltd is hoping to develop a New Prosperity mine near Fish Lake, B.C. This development would be harmful to the surrounding habitat and environment. It is unlikely that Taseko would have accounted for a tribal park to be an obstacle, in achieving the rights to develop the mine.  However a new and powerful stakeholder is now in the mix. First nations tribes, such as the Tsilhqot’in, are beginning to have more power, following the provincial recognition of their land. After this recognition the land Taesko had their eyes…read more

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