Jell-O Aims To Make Comeback

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Over the past decade, Jell-O sales have been declining. Initially Jell-O was geared towards children, with fun fruit cups and pudding. The original market strategy had a taste of Nike, with famous spokespeople. I can vouch for their phenomenal branding from when I was a child; I would make myself sick eating their vanilla puddings. Following this, consumer trends changed to a more diet conscious individual. Instinctively Kraft, the group which owns Jell-O, changed it’s branding to follow suit. This strategy was successful for a short while, until consumers were skipping the desert portion of meals. Currently Kraft’s sales are continually decreasing, which has sparked a new branding initiative. To avoid the intense competition from the rest of the snacks and dessert sector, Kraft will have to have a strong brand. Finally Kraft is going back to it’s roots focusing on children, which is where I think their sales will lie. Convincing kids to “Fun Things Up” with jelly snacks is a suitable demographic. Kraft could put themselves on top if they can attract a significant figure from the media to help their branding. With a new platform, increased marketing budget and the right decisions, Kraft could get Jell-O back to being a solid competitor in the snacks sector. Who knows, maybe the new platform will have me eating vanilla puddings again.