Comment On: Stella Cho’s Blog Post

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When I initially saw Emma Watson’s UN speech for the “HeForShe” campaign, I too was moved. While Emma was speaking about facing sexism over her life and career, I found myself nodding, relating to what she was saying. Growing up as a first generation Indo-Canadian I have seen the unfair standards women are help up to in my culture. My sister’s and I have faced proving to those in our community, that we too can be as educated and successful as men. Just because we are women, does not mean that we cannot provide for ourselves. For each of my sisters and I, this has been the fuel driving our determination to success.

Stella has mentioned the obstacles we may face in our future careers, entering a currently male dominated sector. This exact thought  has crossed my mind numerous times since choosing to pursue a career in business. I can only hope that I can face these challenges with the grace and strength that Emma has shown.