Mens Health: Prostate Cancer

Happy Canada Day long weekend!

Check out last week’s segment on prostate cancer in light of national Men’s Health Week.

To sum last week’s segment:

1. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men.

2. A recent study shows a potential link between increasing serum selenium levels and decreasing prostate cancer risk.

3. Men over the age of 40 should discuss the appropriate prostate cancer screening plan with their physician. Higher risk individuals should begin screening earlier (those with a family history of prostate cancer, and/or those who are of African American descent).

4. Prostate cancer is slow to mature, and early detection increases one’s survival.

5. A healthy diet including legumes and other foods rich in isoflavones has shown promise in decreasing men’s risk of prostate cancer.

Don’t forget to tune in next week for a special segment on Vitamin D and bone health, on Citr 101.9FM, Monday’s between 5 and 5:30! Check out our podcast here!