Special Feature Segment: DC Conference Interviews

Yesterday’s segment was a special 10 minute feature with interviews from Kristen Yarker, BC Regional Executive Director for DC, Shelley Case, Celiac Disease and Gluten-free diet expert, and Gloria Tsang of healthcastle.com. Listeners learned what the conference was all about, heard about new research with celiac disease and how to make lentils part of your everyday diet. Listen to the clip here.

Links that were mentioned are available here:






Thank you!

Day 1 of 3 at DC Conference!

Hi Everyone,

So we’re at the conference learning and tasting many new things! Toronto is gorgeous with great weather. Yesterday we attended the Welcome Reception in the evening-great appies and because it was partially sponsored by Molson we got to try the new lime 67 calorie beer (very light and tasty by the way). Here we are with BC Executive Regional Director of Dietitian’s of Canada, Kristen Yarker.

More to come soon following Monday’s segment.