What is UX Design?


In the past couple years, user experience has become a widely popular topic in the digital marketing world, however, many still don’t know what it is.

So, what is UX Design?

UX is short for User Experience, and there is no commonly accepted definition for this term. According to a study from the Oxford Journal Interacting with Computers:

The goal of UX design in business is to “improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction of the product.”

Peter Morville’s User Experience Honeycomb outlines the seven areas that are needed to create meaningful and valuable user experience.


The importance of UX design has escalated and many companies are investing a lot more in both research and development compared to previous years. Nowadays, having an awesome product is necessary, but it, alone, won’t put you ahead of the market. Having a good UX design is highly the determining factor that will earn you the both your customers and your competitors’ customer’s interests.

UX design touches on both mobile and web applications. According UX Passion, close to 40% of users will leave a business site if it takes more than three seconds to load. UX designers aim to improve mobile and web applications that will retain customers and leave them with a happy visit.




One thought on “What is UX Design?

  1. Alex Phell

    These are all wonderful techniques that help us. But the harsh truth suggests that most sites and applications are still very bad in the UX sense.

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