Cheaper iPhone Will Cost More in China


In this case, the issue regarding business ethics would be related to the unreasonable pricing of iPhones. Even though iPhones are known to be slightly more expensive than other brands of cellphones devices, but it is only logical to think that the price of iPhones would be much cheaper in China since it is where they are manufactured.

Not only are iPhones pricy in China, Apple raised the price of an already expensive merchandise in the country where it was manufactured. The motive behind Apple’s actions could be to emphasize how prestigious their products are compared to the other brands. Ironically, Apple’s actions are actually lowering the number of iPhones being purchased in China due to it being too pricy.

China Mobile is pushing to make Apple products cheaper by not collaborating with Apple unless they lower their prices. In this case, both producers of services are being selfish and lacking business ethics. Both producers are only thinking of maximizing their profits without considering the inconvenience that they are causing the consumers. Therefore, the market of iPhones in China is not at its fullest potential due to the lack of business ethics from the producers. Also causing the consumers to suffer and making it harder for them to access this service.

