Samsung Bought Almost Every Screen Anywhere Near an NBA Game

Now that the National Basketball Association (NBA) officially made Samsung its main source of technological tools, it might just give Samsung the boost it needs to gain ground with Apple. The NBA will be using Samsung technology to review calls and plays during the game and has signed a contract for three years and $100 million. Samsung even aired a commercial of Jay-Z’s new album during the NBA playoffs. In the commercial included appearances of the new Samsung Galaxy phone and tablet. Samsung even congratulated the NBA champions with a commercial right after they took the title.

Looking at the NBA, I feel like it is a great way for a company to approach the younger generations in our society. Compared to other sporting leagues, the NBA is the most commercialized and hyped up compared to the others. Especially because the NBA is related to well known individuals such as Kobe Bryant and Jay-Z who is actually a part-owner of a NBA team. Not only is Samsung targeting the younger generations through idols and famous individuals, but they are also a cheaper alternative compared to Apple products. This could be the rise of Samsung phones.



Jay-Z Commercial


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