The Ideal Work Space

In response to Gabriel Chua’s blog post “Would you want to work in a place like this?”, I strongly agree with Gabriel’s analysis on the Pixar’s new studio in Vancouver. Having a great working environment is key to improving the productivity in any industry, especially in industries that require creativity, innovation, and thinking outside of the box. Companies like Apple, Google, and Zappos are enjoying success greatly because of their creativity and innovations that lead them to have productive workers.

Just thinking about the workspace that the staff gets for working at Pixar makes me envious. Workers would not feel bunched in in their cubicles at work, they would instead feel free and relaxed when working. This could definitely increase the productivity and improve the work ethics of the staff. Employee loyalty would also be developed because they would like their jobs a lot more. People would stay with their jobs not only because of the company, but also because of their work space. Just to add a cherry on top of all these great attributes, Pixar’s studio also has a great view of Vancouver which would only serve to improve the quality of the work space.


Facebook Fades?

After reading a Blog on New York Times by Jenna Wortham, “Still on Facebook, but Finding Less to Like”, I have come to realize the competitiveness when it comes to modern day social media industries. In the article, it is stated that the amount of people going on to Facebook has decreased. People who used to spend hours on Facebook updating their status are now slowly backing away from Facebook and deleting their accounts. On the flip side, a social media industry that is rising in popularity just recently is Snapchat, an application that provides a quick way to socialize with friends while sharing valuable moments.

In response to the article, I feel like Facebook is still alive and well at least within the people in my age group. Despite the fact that there are several social media industries on the rise such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, Facebook is still the backbone and main source people go to when they feel the need to satisfy their social needs. To my experience, Facebook is still going to be the dominant industry in social media since no other company really provides a perfect substitute to what Facebook offers.


The New Generation

Just in a couple of weeks, two very fresh and exciting gaming consoles will enter the market. The Xbox One and Playstation 4 will be the next big thing to own in the gaming industry. For Sony’s new machine, it is said that its graphics are improved to look “cinematic”. The controllers are refreshed as well with an added touchpad as well as redesigned thumb-sticks and triggers. As for the Xbox One, it will be pricy compared to the Playstation 4, but it will include other features such as satellite control and cable TV sets. The Xbox One will also improve since there will be better body movement sensors as well as better voice recognition.

I feel like the two consoles are equally matched in that they both have an impact in the marketing aspect. Both consoles are well represented by eye catching commercials that are building up respectable hypes for each console. It’s hard to tell which console will succeed better when people are able to start buying them, but if I had to pick I would guess that the Playstation will do much better just because it is more affordable and is more focused on the “gaming experience”.


Forget TVs. Sharp Sees a Future in Strawberry Farming

In response to Johnston Kirimo’s blog post “Forget TVs. Sharp Sees a Future in Strawberry Farming.” I feel like Sharp is still very much in the Electronic business since it is attempting to switch there focus on developing technology that monitors the conditions of crops. Yes they are going through a transitional phase that will cost plenty of money just like any other transition for businesses, but I feel like this could be a great opportunity for Sharp to turn things around for their company.

The global population is growing at a rapid rate, there is no denying that. Therefore, food would be scarce in the future as a result of the increase in demand. Especially because people all over the world are not using the land correctly leading to poor soil conditions, it is important for companies to start altering their focus to agricultural development. But there is no denying the fact that all the research that will be needed for this new transition will be a long process. I feel like Sharp should be patient with this process and it will eventually pay off in the long run since the electronic industry is getting more competitive.


Forget TVs. Sharp Sees a Future in Strawberry Farming

Google Glasses

Google Glasses are now expanding its features into music. The Google Glass mainly uses standard voice commands to take pictures and search for terms on Google. Now, the wearer of the Google Glass can just name a song or artist then stream that music through Play. People would have access to playlists and song recommendations based on what they have listened to in the past. Google is also introducing a set of earbud headphones that are designed for Glass. It is even said that Google is attempting to market the Glass to be a fashion statement in the near future.

I feel like this could be a great addition to all the great innovations that were introduced to our society. The Google Glass allows people to stay in an upright posture when then walk, compared to the constant downward stance when people look at their phones. Being in an upright position is healthier to the body as well, so this product has more positives than realized. The Google Glass is entering its initial phases of the introduction  of its product, therefore it is logical to think that it will take time for people to warm up to this new product.


New Regulations?

According to a recent New York Times article, China’s government decided to take actions to have more control over their country’s economy. By gaining more control over the economy, China will be able to decrease the amount of pollutions caused by industries. A new committee would be formed that is similar to the National Security Council in the United States. This new committee would serve to assists the leaders on national security and foreign policies. In other words, this would allow China more defined control over trade with other countries over seas.

It is already evident that China is one of the biggest markets that involve foreign trade in the world. Thus by regulating this huge economy, it would definitely place a lot of limitations on the market thus possibly slowing down the economy. However, there are good sides to this situation that many people do not realize. This would benefit the society as a whole because there would be less illegal trades and there would be a decline in pollutions from industries. Similar to events held by Lululemon that benefit the community as a whole, but may not benefit the company itself as much.



Online Shopping Marathon

The online shopping market in China is growing rapidly over the years and probably will surpass the market in the United States. It is expected that online shopping in China will grow at an annual rate of thirty-two percent from this year through 2015. This growth rate is much faster than that of the United States which is estimated to grow by thirteen percent for 2009 through 2015. This is possible considering China’s economy thats expanding into one of the biggest global markets. It is mentioned in the New York Times article that festivals are great ways to give people excuses to shop online, thus increasing sales.

When reading this article, I immediately thought of Zappos and their success in e-commerce. Not only did they flourish in online shopping, but they also established a healthy and happy relationship with their customers. Just imagine if most of the online shopping websites were to provide services anywhere near what Zappos offers. The world would be a happier place through this simple transaction. To provide the same service as Zappos of course is not an easy job and will take years of dedication. This proves how difficult it is to have great customer relationships.



Google Announces New Phone and Updates Operating System

Another new phone has entered the already competitive market of smart phones, and that is the Nexus 5. Google announced that it includes an updated version of its Android mobile operating system that is called “Kitkat4.4.” This new update allows the phone to search for data through both the web and some applications. Another update that Nexus 5 has from its previous versions include a better voice recognition technology, a large 5 inch screen, as well as a higher resolution camera. What really gives the Nexus 5 its competitive advantage would be the the camera that has a small gyroscope built into the lens that helps prevent blurry pictures if the picture taker’s hand moves.

Despite all the upgrades mentioned, I am not convinced that Nexus 5 will be able to survive in the already competitive market of mobile phones. First of all, Nexus does not have nearly the same brad recognition or brand loyalty compared to Samsung or Apple. Apple and Samsung are also much more commercialized compared to Nexus 5. As to the competitive advantage that Nexus 5 has over other phones in regards of better cameras. I feel like that would not be much of a factor when buying a phone.

