The New Generation

Just in a couple of weeks, two very fresh and exciting gaming consoles will enter the market. The Xbox One and Playstation 4 will be the next big thing to own in the gaming industry. For Sony’s new machine, it is said that its graphics are improved to look “cinematic”. The controllers are refreshed as well with an added touchpad as well as redesigned thumb-sticks and triggers. As for the Xbox One, it will be pricy compared to the Playstation 4, but it will include other features such as satellite control and cable TV sets. The Xbox One will also improve since there will be better body movement sensors as well as better voice recognition.

I feel like the two consoles are equally matched in that they both have an impact in the marketing aspect. Both consoles are well represented by eye catching commercials that are building up respectable hypes for each console. It’s hard to tell which console will succeed better when people are able to start buying them, but if I had to pick I would guess that the Playstation will do much better just because it is more affordable and is more focused on the “gaming experience”.


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