Facebook Fades?

After reading a Blog on New York Times by Jenna Wortham, “Still on Facebook, but Finding Less to Like”, I have come to realize the competitiveness when it comes to modern day social media industries. In the article, it is stated that the amount of people going on to Facebook has decreased. People who used to spend hours on Facebook updating their status are now slowly backing away from Facebook and deleting their accounts. On the flip side, a social media industry that is rising in popularity just recently is Snapchat, an application that provides a quick way to socialize with friends while sharing valuable moments.

In response to the article, I feel like Facebook is still alive and well at least within the people in my age group. Despite the fact that there are several social media industries on the rise such as Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, Facebook is still the backbone and main source people go to when they feel the need to satisfy their social needs. To my experience, Facebook is still going to be the dominant industry in social media since no other company really provides a perfect substitute to what Facebook offers.



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