The Ideal Work Space

In response to Gabriel Chua’s blog post “Would you want to work in a place like this?”, I strongly agree with Gabriel’s analysis on the Pixar’s new studio in Vancouver. Having a great working environment is key to improving the productivity in any industry, especially in industries that require creativity, innovation, and thinking outside of the box. Companies like Apple, Google, and Zappos are enjoying success greatly because of their creativity and innovations that lead them to have productive workers.

Just thinking about the workspace that the staff gets for working at Pixar makes me envious. Workers would not feel bunched in in their cubicles at work, they would instead feel free and relaxed when working. This could definitely increase the productivity and improve the work ethics of the staff. Employee loyalty would also be developed because they would like their jobs a lot more. People would stay with their jobs not only because of the company, but also because of their work space. Just to add a cherry on top of all these great attributes, Pixar’s studio also has a great view of Vancouver which would only serve to improve the quality of the work space.


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