Google Glasses

Google Glasses are now expanding its features into music. The Google Glass mainly uses standard voice commands to take pictures and search for terms on Google. Now, the wearer of the Google Glass can just name a song or artist then stream that music through Play. People would have access to playlists and song recommendations based on what they have listened to in the past. Google is also introducing a set of earbud headphones that are designed for Glass. It is even said that Google is attempting to market the Glass to be a fashion statement in the near future.

I feel like this could be a great addition to all the great innovations that were introduced to our society. The Google Glass allows people to stay in an upright posture when then walk, compared to the constant downward stance when people look at their phones. Being in an upright position is healthier to the body as well, so this product has more positives than realized. The Google Glass is entering its initial phases of the introduction  of its product, therefore it is logical to think that it will take time for people to warm up to this new product.


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