Reflections on the team project


Our team should have distributed workload more evenly. We were confused about all these new concepts, and we did not discuss them enough. It would help our group if everybody suggested ideas and offered opinions on how to apply those concepts in the context of the first 2 assignments. Asking for clarification from the professor would also give us a better understanding of the assignment and help to apply marketing concepts.

We were able schedule our work effectively. We did not have to rush at the end, and we had plenty of time to research our topic. I did not think it was possible, but we might have over researched it. The time could have been used more effectively if we picked relevant information and analyzed it in the context of the assignment. As a result of this information overload, we missed a few points in our answers to questions in the assignment 1 and 2.

Assignment 3 was more clear than the first two, probably because we had (hopefully) figured out the requirements and expectations of our professor. Since we had most of the analysis and content done by then, we had to work on the creative part of this assignment. i think we had a lot of fun designing and making the video. I am glad that at least some of our group members were as enthusiastic about making this video as I was.

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