Monthly Archives: October 2011

Welcome to the Ecology of Educational Technology

Bonnie Nardi and Vicki O’Day in their book Information Ecologies: Using Technologies with Heart, explain their  use of the term ‘ecology’ to study technology:

The notion of an ecology as we use it is metaphorical, intended to evoke an image of biological ecologies with their complex dynamics and diverse species and opportunistic niches for growth.

Our purpose in using the ecology metaphor is to foster thought and discussion, to stimulate conversations for action.

Nardi,B & O’Day,V. (1999). Information Ecologies: Using Technologies with Heart. London. England. MIT Press. Retrieved from:

Our group: Michelle James, John Cunnian, Bassam Adlouni and Sheila Cavanagh have had fun putting this together. We hope you enjoy this exploration! If you want to know a bit more about us check out the page About Us.