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The Ecology of Educational Technology must include all the relationships with the larger environment. In addition to looking at how technology has adapted as a new invasive species in schools, homes and businesses, we must also look at the whole ‘resource cycle’ – where do the resources for these high tech machines come from – and when they are thrown out, where does the garbage end up?

Where does all the electronic refuse our society generates end up? Some of it is shipped illegally from the U.S. to China, reports Scott Pelley, where it is harming the environment and people. Watch this CBS video Following The Trail of Toxic E-Waste:   The Wasteland

 National Geographic: High Tech Trash

Some of the e-trash ends up in Africa as well. If you would like to explore this issue further have a look at this  in depth article that looks at how many Third World countries end up dealing with First World trash.

Future of Technology

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