The Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association, the Saanich Teachers’ Association, and the Sooke Teachers’s Association hosted the Tapestry conference on February 15, 2013. I led a workshop on technology. 20 teachers visited my Kindergarten classroom. We discussed and shared ways that technology can be integrated into teaching and learning. I shared a lot of examples from my class and was really impressed by the teachers’ willingness to engage and to make plans for technology in their own classrooms. Networking with other teachers and setting up a shared file for ideas and lesson materials was a highlight for me. It was a informative and fun day!

This was our agenda:


Tapestry 2013 Conference
November 6, 2013

I will be presenting “Exploring Technology for Primary Teachers”

Tapestry 2013 Conference

Presented by Greater Victoria, Sooke and Saanich Teachers’ Associations

Tapestry is a Tri-District Professional Development Conference organized by Greater Victoria, Sooke and Saanich Teachers’ Associations. The committee endeavors to offer a variety of workshops that are relevant to educators of grade K-12.

Date: Friday, February 15, 2013
Location: Esquimalt Secondary School 847 Colville Road Victoria, BC V9A 4N9

Conference Schedule

8:00 Registration & Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 9:45 Keynote: Dr. Martin Brokenleg

10:00 – 11:45 Morning Session

11:45 – 12:45 Lunch

12:45 – 2:30 Afternoon Session

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