Continuing the Work
September 8, 2013
I am considering a new stop on the school line for my ePortfolio. It will bring the literacy, numeracy, and technology mentoring roles together….Litnumtech? The name is a bit clumsy but worth considering. I am preparing a map of the motions passed at the staff meeting in June and of some possible school projects. I’ll discuss it with the new principal, Holly Holt, and prepare it for discussion at the staff meeting on September 18th. My draft follows:
The tasks for the staff meeting include:
- review .1 Mentor Teacher’s Role.
- elect members to the Technology Committee.
- elect members to the Assessment Committee.
- review budgeting and funding principles for technology.
- review principles for equipment use and scheduling.
- discuss iPad availability, apps purchase and installation
- form a Mathletics working group; commit to an Enhancing Learning Project.
- form a RAZ Reading working group; commit to an Enhancing Learning Project.
I also thought I’d share the following inspirational website and video: Phonebloks

Year End
July 17, 2013
I was the .1 Literacy/Numeracy/Technology Mentor at Oaklands Elementary School during 2012/2013. I expect to continue this work during the 2013/2014 school year.
By the end of the school year, the use of technology has reached a critical point. With the advent of iPads, the success of Mathletics, and a tight budget, some priorities needed to be set and decisions made. A Tech Ad Hoc Committee met in May to review survey results collected from the staff and to make recommendations, in the form of motions, for the June 5, 2103 staff meeting.
All of the motions were passed and implementation will begin in September.
Staff Meeting Report
June 5, 2013
Click to see the Tech Ad Hoc Committee Motions presented at the staff meeting.
Click to view the school’s Enhancing Learning Project Results presented at the district celebration on May 28, 2013.
Staff Meeting Report
May 8, 2013
Over-all Enhancing Learning Plan
Don Adams – Enhancing Learning Grant Application 2012-13
Specific Enhancing Learning Plans
Julie Hamilton – Enhancing Writing with iPads
Deb Walasek – Using iPads for Self-documentation, Reflection and Assessment During Hands-on Learning Projects
Sandy Smith – Writing When You Can’t Write
Don Adams/Deb Walasek – Mathletics Project
January 16, 2013
.1 Literacy/Numeracy/Technology Mentor
I am presenting on issues related to literacy, numeracy, and technology at the staff committee meetings. This is my first written reports: January 16 Report and my first try at officially coordinating the work of these two roles.
A New Role
September 2013
I agreed to take the position of Literacy/Numeracy Mentor at the school. This is .1 FTE position with responsibility for initiatives to improve teaching and learning in the literacy and numeracy. It seemed like a good fit given the focus of these activities in the iPad Project. The time given to the school is used for teacher release and collaboration.