Apr 03 2011

Gmail motion – amazing new technology

Published by at 11:15 pm under Uncategorized

So another April Fools’ Day has passed. Of course it means we’re all one year older, but it also means that companies and marketers have treated us to some exciting new ads, some more truthful than others of course. Some meant to inform, some meant to make us laugh, but all are produced so that the issuer gets noticed and talked about.

One of the best ads I saw this April Fools’ was Google’s new feature: Gmail motion.

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Gmail motion was created to make keyboards redundant. To be honest, I am quite looking forward to this development. It would surely help with the current health issues like lack of exercise. Furthermore, it would correspond nicely to Nintendo Wii’s idea of making people addicted to technology physically active without involving the stereotypical sports.

The ad itself is quite clever. It follows Googles style of presenting simple pictures on a clean, white background and using Gmail interface to convey the messages. The person presenting the motions and the corresponding actions is hilarious. The “experts” try to further convince us that Gmail motion is actually happening. If the subject of this clip wasn’t as incredible, I wouldn’t be very surprised to see it on TV or hear on the radio.

More on Gmail motion can be found on Gmail’s official blog here.

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