Apr 08 2011

The Last One

Published by at 8:57 pm under Uncategorized

So, here it is. End of term. It hardly feels like a week has passed, and already it is time to say goodbye to my Comm296 blog! It’s been fun using it, I learned a lot about marketing, consumers, brands, strategies and how to manage them. I met some fantastic people (Team #12, you rock!), got to study from some very talented instructors (both Elaine and Scott, thank you!) and discovered some secrets of a multi-billion dollar industry that is marketing.

With all that knowledge about social media and the awesome experience of studying at UBC, I want to use this last post to spread the word into the world about the greatest LipDub ever made:

YouTube Preview Image

For those who just went: Lip what? I recommend watching the video before you ask questions, as a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video has 24 of them per second! The team creatively used the current phenomena, like the Old Spice guy (Look, there’s a unicorn!), a certain bi-winning TV celebrity, and many many others, to create what we hope will become another viral video. So share it, whether it be with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers and Blog readers, or your actual friends, fellow students or coworkers and family, and marvel at what technology, creativity, hard work and enthusiasm can give us. While promoting the best school in the world!

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