Feb 21 2011

The overwhelming omnipresence of Twitter

Published by at 10:55 pm under Events,Marketing

There I was, one Thursday night, sitting comfortably on the couch in my rez, with a hot bowl of deliciously seasoned spaghetti, with a snuggly blanket wrapped all around me, waiting for my favourite show to start.

One commercial… One anouncement… Coffee, toilet paper, baby food, German cars…


Here it comes!

Grey’s Anatomy, my sole comfort after a hard week’s work. But can you imagine my surprise, when among the usual craniotomies, appendectomies, relationship drama, and rainy weather, I spot an unexpected visitor! Twitter has infiltrated even the fictional hospital of Seattle Grace.

In the episode, the interns tweeted about the course of the operation – techniques used by the surgeon, complications, etc. And of course being a prime time drama, there was, you guessed right, drama! I will not get into that, anyone who is interested has probably seen the show. For those who would like to witness it again, it’s season 7, episode 13, “Don’t Deceive Me (Please Don’t Go)”.

I mention it because firstly, I found it wonderful that what we learn in COMM 296, a University course, has actually made it’s way to the ultimate housewife pasttime, but also because TV is educating the society about new technology! It’s very eloquently presented on the show, how Twitter can be used not only for the fun of uploading your private pictures for all to see (yes, I’m talking to you, Miss Kardashian!), but also for the professional societies to communicate effectively, learn from each other and benefit from the new inventions, whether it should be a law firm, a newspaper, an IT company or an operating theater.

And that, mum and dad, is another reason why I absolutely refuse to stop watching TV!

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