Apr 08 2011

The frightening phenomenon in grocery stores

Published by at 8:31 pm under Uncategorized

In the last class we talked about ethics in Marketing, and how it affects consumers’ lives. From a personal perspective, I think that because advertising and Marketing in general is so influential, the need for upkeeping highest standards is even greater. Since science can invent more and more effective ways of affecting our choices, even without our knowledge, I hope that there is someone overseeing it, so I don’t end up waking up one morning thinking that if I don’t drink enough Coca-Cola I would die.

But creating demand for a product is not the only way a producer can employ unethical marketing. The very 1990’s, very eloquent video we watched had a lot to say about “downsizing” – a way in which we are fooled everyday in those aisles at the local supermarket. If they can sell a slightly smaller quantity for the same price, in the same packaging, they win, we lose, right? More money, less resources. But the example of American women, who boycotted Tampax after they downsized their product, shows us that however tiny one consumer might be, together they are the driving force of this industry. Wow, this sounds lofty. And sadly I think that although it’s great that sometimes dishonest producers get punished, in the majority of cases it’s the client who has to pay the (higher) price. Think about it, how many times have you been angry at Nescafe or Captain Crunch for selling you a box full of air instead of coffee or cereal? And how many times have you switched to the competing brand because of it? Not that often? Yeah, me too. Should we feel better about it knowing that people around the world battle the same issues? Probably not, but still it gives (me) some comfort that in this dishonesty, manufacturers maintain consistency. Is it a good thing? I don’t know. But at least the grass in my overseas neighbour’s yard is not greener than mine!

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