
It is the end of COMM296 and our project. I really appreciate everyone’s effort in finishing it. I think that my team is really great. My teammates are so helpful and kind. We changed from being classmates during the first assignment to friends when we were preparing the video.

The final part is tough but really enjoyable. In the previous parts, we could use paragraphs to present the ideas. This time we can only use several sentences to summarize the ideas. In order to cover the main points, we spent a lot of time in discussing the things we should cover in the video. Finally, we make it. Indeed, I have never thought that we can really make this interesting and informative video! This project really helps me know more about myself. Originally, I always thought that presentation is one of my weaknesses, but it seems that I can really do well if I keep practicing it.

If I got a second chance, I would improve two things. The first one is that I could be more active in suggesting ideas. Although I also suggested my views and opinions, I thought that some ideas were unrealistic and didn’t suggest them. However, the video may be funnier if we can include some of the crazy ideas! The second thing is that I should encourage my teammates more. I think that it could help create a friendly environment and improve our performances.

All in all, I think that we really did a good job. As an exchange student, this project helps me know more about the students here and I am impressed by their smartness. I hope that you guys will enjoy our video!


After reading the passage “10 Social Media Marketing Ideas from Big Brands” in Influential Marketing Blog (, I was reminded that social media marketing is now extremely popular and we are no longer discussing the advantages of using it, but how to use it in a better way.

There are 2 points that impress me the most.


Social media can be treated as a bridge between customers and a company. However, what do you feel if you receive a reply like “Please contact our customer service by calling xxxx” after you asked a straightforward question in a company’s Facebook page. I guess you will be disappointed or angry. It is because this Facebook page cannot help you solve your problem. The true engagement is treating the social media as one of the ways to help and answer their customers’ questions but not redirect them to the traditional means.


In the past, we always think that good news never goes beyond the gate, while Bad news spreads far and wide. However, People become more willing to share their joys and satisfactions after having some goods or services now. I cannot remember how many times I asked my friends where I can find the food they posted on their Facebook. I believe my friends’ recommendations because they do not receive any reward and the close relationships we have. This kind of recommendation is even more powerful than any commercials.

To conclude, it is now a common knowledge that social media is an essential tool in doing marketing. The next stage for discussion will be the ways to make good use of this powerful weapon. Using this weapon cannot cause you go much faster than others, but using it badly will certainly cause you go behind.

Further discussion about value added service

After reading the passage “Capturing the Hearts of Loyal Customers” by Lee, Wei Chee, I am thinking of the targeting and hence positioning strategy of the retail store Megamate.

As mentioned in the class, competing with price is not a good strategy since it will continuously decrease the profit margin. A better approach should be increasing the value of your products in the eyes of the consumers. The strategy used by Mega is to offer excellent technical support. It is no doubt very impressive to the Baby Boomers and Generation Xers.

However, is this strategy workable for all generations? I think that this strategy may not be able to attract the teenagers. We can find two characteristics inside this generation. Firstly, they are extremely price conscious. Even if there is only a very small change in price, many of them will reconsider their consumption decision. Secondly, they don’t see much value from extra services unless that product is expensive. For example, when people from the older generation go to a place to have their lunch, they may consider the service as important as the food. However, teenagers always ignore this part as long as the price is good for them and the food is not that bad.

To be honest, I am not sure is it because of the difference in age only or is it the change of the thinking pattern of a new generation. It is because when I am looking at my younger relatives who have already worked for 5 years or above, I find that they also don’t really care about the services. If it is really the case, then we should think carefully how to deal with this change and find out is there anything that this new generation can see the value.