Monthly Archives: September 2012

Downtown at night

Yesterday, I just wanted to feel crowded street at night. So I went to downtown after dinner with friends.

There were so many people in downtown as I expected. Everyone in downtown looked happy. It looked like they enjoyed their weekend vacation.

And night view of downtown was so great. It made me exciting.

Anyway, It was a fun time.

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Richmond Night Market

On august 31, I enjoyed Richmond Night Market. This is the one of the most Biggest festival in Richmond. This festival is held every summer.

There were so many kinds of food, accessories, clothes and toys. Escpecially, It had so many oriental things. Furthermore I could hear Korean music in the market. So I felt comfortable.

In market, I enjoyed Chinese and Japanese food look like exotic. Soba which is cook by noodle and soy sauce in Japanese store was the most tasty food i’v ever tried in the market. I spent so much money on eating so I couldn’t buy another thing. I just looked around.

It was a great memory of my life. I really want to go there one more time someday.



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Sunset beach

On August 30, I have been to Sunset beach with friends which is famous for great scenery in Vancouver. It’s easy to find because this beach is near the downtown.

There are many people with run, walk, sunbath and beach vollleyball. These lively atmosphere make me exciting. Especially I really wanted to participate in volleyball with beautiful girl. But I couldn’t as I didn’t prepare any extra clothes : (





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