About me

Welcome to my blog

Hello!! My name is Dong Sik Lee, and I am a 23 year old student studied logistics at Inha University.

Now I’m studying in GAIP program at UBC which is a kind of internship program.

This picture presents my personality:)

personality : Colorful

I’m outgoing and socialable. So I can be familiar with someone easily. Yeah~~~

I’m from Busan Korea. There are a lot of sea in the Busan. So I grew up with the sea.

Sometimes sea make me exciting, sometimes make me calm. I think it is the beauty of the sea. So I love the sea.

Upon arrival in Vancouver, I went to Stanely Park to see the sea.

It was Awesome!

Hobby 1 : Basketball

Basketball is my life. I like to play and watch basketball .  So I played and coached University Basketball Club.

As a coach, I coached the team on game strategies and ensured players practiced regularly.

As a player, I played basketball enthusiastically on competition.

 Hobby 2 : Music

 I love listening to music. Especially, Jazz Hiphop and South Hiphop music.

 In the morning I like listening to calm music like Jazz Hiphop and at night I like listening to fancy music like South Hiphop.

Hobby 3 : Tour

Tour tour tour.  I used to tour with my friends. We always make some food and events. It makes me happy.

 The upper picture’s guy is me. On the tour I tried to take a nice picture. I think this picture is the one of the most interesting picture.

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