Response to “Teaching Kids to Consume”

October 8th, 2012

I was reading YuWei Wei’s blog post ““U.S. children recognize more Pokemon characters than common wildlife species” – Teaching Kids To Consume” and I found it absolutely unbelievable that children in the US are so caught up with media, including the advertisement with in it, that they can hardly recognize the tangible reality around them. Though YuWei states that advertising companies are just “doing their job”, I do not agree it that is right. Not only does the responsibility of teaching children to be cautious and critical of what they see fall upon their parents and their guardians, but I feel it is also important for companies to practice corporate responsibility. Even if they are not doing anything necessarily “illegal”, they should uphold the morals of understanding that children are young and impressionable. They do not have the mental capacity to think for themselves, therefore companies should really re-evaluate how they advertise to children. Companies that run these advertisements should also re-think how much they should advertise. For example, the Family Channel is a Canadian television service provider that practices corporate responsibility by choosing not to broadcast commercials to rake in revenue, but rather run by payed cable.

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