Archive for November, 2012

Response to Min Jee Kim’s “Product Placement”

Monday, November 19th, 2012

In Susan “Min Jee” Kim’s blog “Product Placement“, I read her opnion on how strong the advertising power of product placement is. I would have to strongly agree with her that product placement is a very subliminally effective way for marketers to get television or movie viewers to purchase products. I, myself have too, bought products that I’ve seen in movies. For example, I remember watching the movie “Eat. Love. Pray.” starring Julia Roberts. In one of the scenes where she visits Italy, she goes to one of the most famous pizzerias in Rome, where the pies look simply delicious. During the past summer I was given the opportunity to visit Italy for a family vacation. While having watched that movie, I spent three full days in search for that exact same pizzeria, just so I could eat there because the pizzas looked irresistable, and the fact that this restaurant “was in a movie”. This just goes to show that product placement can easily become one of the strongest methods of advertisement.

My two-cents on the success of Forever 21

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Forever 21 is probably one of the most popular go-to fashion stores targeted towards young female adults in North America. I feel that it’s success is due greatly in part of the fact that they know exactly what strategy quadrant they have placed themselves in. They have chosen the path of cost leadership and it has done them very well. Because fashion is subject to such fast paced changes in styles, Forever 21 has figured out that many young females are more concerned about style than the absolute best of the best quality in garments. They want whatever is fresh of the runway, trendy and chic. Due to this fact, Forever 21 has chosen to produce average standard quality garments at a low price, but with an exuberant variety of styles. In tandem with targeting the most appropriate market that goes along with their type of fashion, numerous Forever 21 locations can be found all across Canada, the United States, Asia and more.

Resonse to Larry Cheong’s “Apple vs. Samsung”

Friday, November 16th, 2012

While I was reading Larry Cheong’s blog entry “Apple vs. Samsung” I could not help but to find myself dumb founded by the fact that Apple would sue Samsung over such trivial matters, such as the rounded-edged rectangular shape of the iPhone. I find that both phones have very strong points of difference that it was uneccesary of Apply to force a law suit upon Samsung. And the fact that Apple won, means that consumers now have less phones to chose from (in the words of Larry Cheong). Let’s be honest, how many ways can you change the shape of a phone? And how many phones have exsisted in the rectangular shape before iPhones? I’m sure we all have an answer here. And it simply shows how ridiculous the lawsuit made on Samsung was. But then again, I guess it also shows how powerful one brand’s monopolizing power can be once it has established a patent.$BOX_SmartphonesEX.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-large.jpg

It’s all about the packaging

Monday, November 12th, 2012

Packaging sells.
From my own experience as a typical girl who enjoys beauty and make up, I have realized that many of my ultimate decisions of purchasing one beauty item over the other is packaging. I have even gone to the extreme of not purchasing a certain fragrance that I love the scent of because of its absolutely horrendous packaging. Humans a visual creatures, and advertisers know it. Packaging may be one of the most important selling points of a product because it is the first thing that a consumer experiences from a certain product. If the product is visually appealing, it is more likely that a consumer will walk over to that specific shelf, look at it and try it. Packaging is remeniscent of the product itself, therefore the appropriate packaging must math the appropriate product.


Monday, November 5th, 2012

Up to date, there are approximately 800 million users on Facebook and 140 million users on twitter. With out a doubt, social media has become a huge part of modern day society. It is almost guaranteed, that if you walked into a big city and asked the person sitting next to you in the bus whether they had facebook or not, that they would say “yes”.
On that note, businesses have now become very resourceful and use social media to publicize their company. Many companies would create their own page so that facebook users who also enjoyed their goods and servies can “like” their page. I find this to be a very strategic way to keep consumers aware of your company and any special promotions or updates in general because many users have Facebook on their phone, or many simply hop on-line to Facebook to check their notifications. I find social media as a great forum for companies to advertise and promote themseleves. Speaking as a Facebook and Twitter user myself, I see myself following brands such as Sephora and on Facebook.

The Working World

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

Recently I was hired at a make up company (in this blog let’s refer to this company as Glam due to company privacy policies). I was so ecstatic to become a part of their working force because I am very interested in make up and make up artistry. However, I soon realize that they business side of the company actually plays a huge role in how the company functions as a whole. Previously as a customer I would have never thought of Glam as much of a business giant, but it is. Everytime before an employee goes to work, they are informed of the current standings of Glam as a business; they are informed of their company budget, stretch goals, product forecasts and such. Glam also highly prioritizes their company core values. All employees are subject to watch company a monthly Glam video that includes points on how to improve the company as a whole through better customer service, merchandising, marketing, emphasizing company values and such. Glam has a very strong sense of community and everyone with in the work force understands the values that they have, which in return results in a very successful company.

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