
November 5th, 2012

Up to date, there are approximately 800 million users on Facebook and 140 million users on twitter. With out a doubt, social media has become a huge part of modern day society. It is almost guaranteed, that if you walked into a big city and asked the person sitting next to you in the bus whether they had facebook or not, that they would say “yes”.
On that note, businesses have now become very resourceful and use social media to publicize their company. Many companies would create their own page so that facebook users who also enjoyed their goods and servies can “like” their page. I find this to be a very strategic way to keep consumers aware of your company and any special promotions or updates in general because many users have Facebook on their phone, or many simply hop on-line to Facebook to check their notifications. I find social media as a great forum for companies to advertise and promote themseleves. Speaking as a Facebook and Twitter user myself, I see myself following brands such as Sephora and on Facebook.


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