One Coin for All of Your Cards

The Coin is essentially an electronic card, which is able to contain the multiple cards, included credit, debite, gift, and membership cards all you have, in one credit-sized device. It is obvious bring more convenient for the people who have tons of card. By using Bluetooth low energy and the relatived Apps downloaded in the smartphone, the owner can upload the information of card into the device easily, and making a payment immediately. It seems amazing and attractive for us, however, many people will doubt for the security of the card, so do I. Response to Sauder’s student Colin Lam’s view on the blog that he believed the future new product Coin will definitely be successful in the future. I was thinking that the security of the card is still a problem, and bring more concern for people to think more about the consequence that the Coin will bring to the society as people start to use Coin. Even there is a security system designs for the card, people will still worry about the security I think. No one can promise that the card device and the connection between the card and phone will be 100% security. However, I agree it was a good idea, and surely bring more convenient for people, but the money system is the most sensitive part for people to worry about.

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