Be ethical, be safe –To dearest China’s food market!!!

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There are several ethical issues can been found in China’s continual food safety crisis in recent years. The most widely known, is the baby formula scandal in which food adulterated with melamine, has greatly increased citizens’ concern about the quality of their food.  Later on, the news about negative chemical additions has been added in meat, rice, noodles flavored, cooking oil, etc, were even more frightening for each citizen. Consequently, Chinese business ethics have been under questioned, which has seriously devalued by the corrupt food market.

From my perspective, the business ethics that have been violated because of more than just a lapse in Chinese morality. It is also caused by the different background of culture and economic systems. In comparison with developed countries, China has an uncompleted business system and education system for promoting business ethics. Hence, there are numerous business men do not timely realize the importance of reputation for their further development. Meanwhile, the Chinese government is too incompetent to manage and control food safety problems, and they are failing to establish a code of business ethics. Moreover, citizen morality is very different from the past, which “serving money” has cruelly replaced “serving the people” in such a money-oriented society. In addition, to promote green projects, to complete and establish more regulations on moral behavior, to punish severely, to increase the customers’s consciousness of rights safeguarding, and to popularize and encourage companies to build their own code of business ethics, are efficient ways to prevent morally questionable practices in business.

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September 12, 2013Permalink Leave a comment

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