Posted by: | 12th Oct, 2010

Take a picture and save!

Check out this new marketing ploy!

Billboards, traditionally at least, have provided companies with a crafty way to advertise to people as they drive by and I believe it is an effective way to market a product. That being said, I do NOT believe in having people take a photo WHILE driving in order to save a few dollars. There are enough bad drivers on the road today, and we definitely do not need another distraction that could easily result in many more crashes. Don’t get me wrong, I believe the idea of taking a photo of a billboard and saving money is great, just not while driving a car. With cellphones, ipods, and even GPS’s distracting drivers, asking them to pull out their phone while driving and avert their eyes from the road in order to take a photo is pretty crazy. I for one, value my life over $2 of savings. Do you?

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