Posted by: | 14th Oct, 2010

The Billion Dollar Man

In case you haven’t heard yet, there is another billion dollar man walking the earth. Except this time, the man OWES $1 billion dollars! The Quebec Superior Court recently ordered a Mr. Adam Guerbuez to pay a $1 billion dollar fine to Facebook. Why? Because he allegedly spammed people on Facebook with over 4 million inappropriate advertisements.

Now will Facebook be receiving their money soon? Ughh most likely no? Hes a regular person who happened to enjoy spending his day sending ridiculous messages to millions of people. Not really the type of person who can pay anyone $1 billion dollars.

Now in my opinion this has simply made a mockery of the judicial system. I completely agree that something has to be done, and that Facebook needs to do something about the “spam” problem…but to try and get a man to pay $1 billion dollars? Really?!?

Ya, they have probably destroyed any chance of him living a normal life, but if he is already legally bankrupt (which he had admitted to BEFORE the sentencing) what have they really done?

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