Posted by: | 23rd Oct, 2010


Most people have heard of Alex Rodriguez, or A-Rod for short. He is the third baseman for the New York Yankees, and quite the celebrity. He has also been linked to numerous other celebrities including Madonna and Cameron Diaz. Recently during a game, a crazed fan ran onto the field wanting to confront A-Rod about his relationship with Diaz. The man, 33 year old Grim LeRogue, carried with him pictures of A-Rod, Diaz, and Osama bin Laden. Luckily nothing happened, and security was able to control the situation quickly and efficiently. However, this should certainly come as a wake-up call to the MLB management that security can never be taken for granted. The world may like baseball, but there will always be those select few who can cause serious harm to the sport. The league, and the owners, cannot risk their prime marketing assets (like A-Rod) to be susceptible to crazed fans. Just like in any scenario, the things that are worth the most must be kept the safest.

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