Posted by: | 31st Oct, 2010

Blackberry Delivers!

Everyone has heard of the ongoing battle between Blackberry and Apple for cellphone supremacy, and it is always interesting to hear about someones opinion. Earlier today I stumbled upon a friend’s blog about why he bought an iphone. Mark Ostrovsky outlined the reasons behind his decision to buy the iphone 4, and at the end of his blog mentioned that he would “always wonder the benefits of having the “bbm” feature exclusively on BlackBerrys.” I am now hear to tell my part of the story, and why I believe Blackberry have more to offer than the iphone.

To begin with, I currently own the first generation BlackBerry storm. I have always been pleased with the performance of my phone, but perhaps most importantly, have absolutely loved the BBM feature. BBM (or BlackBerry Messenger) is unique only to BlackBerry, and offers a MSN messenger kind of way to talk with another person on a phone. It does not use any minutes from your plan, and you are not charged per BBM “text.” You first need to get a fellow blackberrry owner’s pin, and then add him/her to the BBM. From there, you can send and receive BBM’s with ease. Not only that, another great feature allows you to see when the “text” has been delivered and when it has been received by the other person. This eliminates any doubt about people not returning your texts for whatever reasons. This specific app has truly made my BlackBerry experience that much better.

My final point refers to the apps and ipod built into the Iphone. Granted, I love Apple apps, and the ipod is a great unit, but you can easily buy them separately. I, myself, have an ipod touch, and will definitely buy another when this one dies, but the point I am trying to make is that you do not really need an ipod in an iphone.BlackBerry Messenger It does save space, and makes life easier, but one can also be content with a BlackBerry and an Ipod, thus getting the best of both worlds.

To finish off, I am not trying to slander Apple’s products, nor am I saying that I do not like the Iphone, rather, I am just pointing out why BlackBerry phones are great as well.

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