Posted by: | 9th Nov, 2010

Marketing on Facebook

We all know about Facebook and the many opportunities for companies to promote events, however what about ourselves? What do we really say about ourselves with profile pictures, status updates, and comments? A friend of mine, Derek Li, has lightly touched on this subject, and I thought that I would try to spend a little bit more time talking about Facebook. He states, “It can be dangerous to market yourself in a bad manner” and I completely agree. According to another blog, Inside Facebook, “45% of companies are checking out potential employees’ social pages.” That is a scary thought for people who have many pictures that are not exactly what people consider to be “professional.”

Facebook has definitely evolved into a great outlet for people to be themselves, and to connect with those around them.  However, we must be aware that everything we do can be monitored, and, heaven forbid, someone loses a job BECAUSE of how they are portrayed on facebook. Are there solutions? Of course there are. Privacy settings can be easily adjusted (just log on and go to and once changed, can make your profile much more secure. All it takes is a few minutes, and those potential employers will not be able to see the photos from last week’s party or the crazy Vegas trip.

So for those of you out there who haven’t changed your settings, why not do so, and help your future…

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