Posted by: | 1st Dec, 2010

James Brander: NHL Statistics Aficionado

Recently, my Commerce 295 (Managerial Economics) professor, Mr. James Brander, wrote an article entitled “The Big Bang Theory,” for the Vancouver Sun, discussing Special Teams statistics with the Vancouver Canucks. Bravo, Professor Brander, bravo…I think it was an extremely well written article, and would definitely be interested in hearing more about applying statistical analysis to the NHL. Now THAT would be an awesome university course!

In other news, the Canucks just extinguished the Calgary Flames tonight in a 7-2 blowout in Calgary. To relate this back to Professor Brander’s article, the Canucks were 3 for 8 (37.5%) on the Power Play tonight, and also had a shorthanded goal by Mason Raymond (one of his 3 goals of the night). The Power Play stats build off of the already strong league leading 26% Power Play efficiency that the Canucks have, and once again, the Canucks prove that they can easily be one of the most dominant teams in the league.

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