
Introduction to the framing page – January 12, 2013

Module A. Framing Issues

  1. Introduction
    • Building an on-line community
    • Sharing auto e-ographies of personal experiences
  2. Unpacking Assumptions about Technology
    • Grounding issues with video cases of teachers and students using technology in math and science classrooms
    • Exploring these issues at “home” through field-based interviews
  3. Analyzing evidence and scholarly opinion on educational technology
    • Making connections to contemporary scholarship in educational technology

The objectives for this module are to:

– Become familiar with the course structure, purpose, tools, and resources.
– Participate in building an on-line community.
– Start thinking about your “Legacy of learning” final assignment in the course and for those who select the e-folio option, begin to document the process and context of your learning within an e-folio in this module.
– Examine personal assumptions that underlie the use of digital technology for teaching and learning math and science.
– Analyze literature on conceptual understanding and examaine a common misconception of your choice in math or science.
– Locate and frame issues related to the use of digital technology for teaching and learning math and science. Drawing upon analyses of personal experience, personal questions regarding digital technology in science and math education, interviews in authentic school contexts, and video cases of technology use to help locate this issue.
– Examine scholarly evidence and opinion to challenge, situate, extend and/or support framed issues, and employ these resources to develop ideas even further on this issue. Employ this evidence to construct your first assignment, the Framing Issues Assignment.


Introduction to the Issue: February 2, 2013

STEM in post-secondary education can be engaging or boring; it is the instructor’s choice

 The lesson one and two activities in ETEC 533 identified a common theme for me around how the use of technology (educational and industry specific technology) appears to have a positive impact on student engagement. After watching the video on clicker use in the lecture classroom, I became interested in both, but I was not aware of how they were connected. After spending some time doing a preliminary search through the literature, I became quite interested in some research that documents with evidence that there is truth to the notion that large first year science classes are there to weed out the week students. Other articles talked about how to make these classes more engaging and interesting for the students. It became evident that it was the instructors choice to make them engaging or boring.

STEM education in post-secondary education is a different world for students coming out of high school with aspirations to be scientists, engineers, technicians and mathematicians. First year STEM classes are large, lecture based, impersonal and quite often are the “gatekeeper courses” to weed out the weak so only the true scientists and engineers rise to the top and continue in these disciplines. Reliance on this method is common at post-secondary’s and it works as there are high attrition rates in the first two years of these programs attributed to lecture based courses with no engaging pedagogy that result in superficial learning, memorization and no conceptual learning (Gasiewski, Eagan, Garcia, Hurtado and Chang, 2012). This approach is more prevalent in STEM programs whereas faculty in non-STEM fields use pedagogies that encourage reflective, integrative and higher order learning more frequently (Laird, Sullivan, Zimmerman and McCormick, 2011). It does not have to be this way; it is the instructor’s choice.

Gasiewski, et al (2012) has shown that instructors can encourage students to be more engaged and confident when they provide a classroom environment of openness to student questions and by recognizing their role in helping students succeed. Student engagement and openness can be achieved for example with the use of clickers in large first year science classes and smaller second and third year science classrooms (Terrion and Aceti, 2012; Milner-Bolotin, Antimirova and Petrov, 2010). A review of the contemporary literature on clickers demonstrates a general agreement that clickers encourage student engagement and interest in the classroom; however assessment of student knowledge with and without the use of clickers generally does not show a significant advantage of using clickers.


Gasiewski, J.A., Eagan, M.A., Garcia, G.A., Hurtado, S. & Chang, M. J. (2012). From Gatekeeping to Engagement: A Multicontextual, Mixed Method Study of Student Academic Engagement in Introductory STEM Courses. Research in Higher Education, 53(2), 229-261.

Milner-Bolotin, M., Antimirova, T. & Petrov, A.  (2010). Clickers Beyond the First-Year Science Classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, 40(2), 14-18.

Laird, T. F. N., Sullivan, D. F., Zimmerman, C., McCormick, A. C. (2011). STEM/Non-STEM Differences in Engagement at US Institutions. Peer Review, 13(3), 23-26.

Terrion, J., L. and Aceti, V. Perceptions of the effects of clicker technology on student learning and engagement: a study of freshman Chemistry students. Research in Learning Technology, 20(2), 1-11.


Click here to read my framing issues paper – STEM in post-secondary education can be engaging or boring; it is the instructor’s choice Connery_framing_issue


Narrowing the focus to find an issue of interest – Jan 24, 2013

When I did my two interviews, I tried to not cloud the questions or guide the answers through my own assumptions or to make assumptions about the second interview based on what was discussed in the first. Going into the interviews, I had an idea of what an issue might be, but when the issue did not surface in either, I quickly dropped the idea. I was open minded and really interested to listen to what they had to say.

One theme that came out in the interviews is how the use of technology was encouraging engagement in the students. One was with STEM specific technology; the digital microscope and the other was non domain specific technologies related to communications and classroom technology.

Considering that my perspective seems to be the only one from an administrator at a post-secondary, whereas the rest of my peers are K-12 teachers, I was curious to see if there were any commonalities. After reading peer interviews, I noted several common issues with my interviews:

  • Technology increases engagement
  • Instructors need avenues to better share technology experiences
  • Instructors need time for technology training
  • Technology needs to be reliable and accessible

Based on the interviews, the clickers and calculators videos and my own thoughts about technology and engagement, this will be the theme of my framing issues paper. Thus I will focus on finding articles related to student engagement with STEM specific technologies.


Interview Analysis – Jan 19, 2013

Engagement, Technology, Change

Interview Question and Responses


Introduction:I conducted two interviews on January 16 at a post-secondary institute. Ms. C. is an Academic Chair for two programs: Medical Lab Assistant (MLA) (the people who take your blood at the Lab) and Medical Lab Technology (MLT) (The people who analyze your blood and other stuff!). The second person is Ms. F. who has been a health care systems instructor since 1996 and has recently been seconded to the Faculty Development group as an e-Learning Faculty Facilitator. These are two people from the same discipline – health care. Ms. C. is an Academic Chair who came into education from industry as a MLT, therefore she does not currently teach. She is the supervisor of the program instructors and serves on the Leadership Team for the school (department). Ms. F. is an instructor for core courses for all programs in the health care school (17 programs). She does not specifically teach courses in Math or Science, but she has a broad background in the use of educational technology in the classroom and distance education.
Are students adequately prepared to use technology?When asked if students coming into their programs are adequately prepared to use technology, they both stated that those coming from high school or with previous post-secondary experience were better prepared and more adaptable to using technology than those coming from the workforce or some ESL students. Students exposed to technology primarily through recent educational experiences are better prepared to use technology than those coming back to school from the workforce. Approximately 1/3 of the students in the MLT program have university degrees. However there is a body of research that indicates that students coming out of high school are very good at technology related to social media but week in using general technology outside of the social media world such as MS Office software applications. Effective use of this technology is essential for success in post-secondary and the workforce. Based on the interview, these students are more adaptable than those returning to school, so they can learn the new applications quickly when exposed to them.
Is technology a useful tool in the classroom?Both saw educational technology as a useful tool in the classroom. Ms. C. described a hybrid industry specific/educational piece of technology that is quite effective. It is a digital microscope that can be used in the classroom and lab for demos or applications and students then can use the images for projects, studying etc. Ms. F stated “Definitely, I would say that technology has changed our habits, changed our language, how we speak today, it has changed our perceptions and that is based on anything from social media to pop culture”. What use of technology has had the greatest impact?Ms. C. mentioned the digital microscope again and Instructor workstations where the computer, projector are all together. This replaces piecemeal technology where the overhead, VCR, projector were all separate. Ms F. stated “e-mail and the Internet” as it developed new ways to communicate with students. Previously we had F-2-F only, now there are discussion boards, cell phones, texting, news boards, social media, twitter and Facebook. Technology is a useful tool for the classroom. This includes general technologies that are now the norm such as e-mail, discussion boards and classroom integrated technologies such as instructor workstations and technology specific to the discipline of study such as the digital microscope.As technology becomes the norm, it changes habits, language and our perceptions. I am sure if we took a student and a teacher from as little as 20 years ago and dropped them into a K-12 or post-secondary classroom of today, they would be shocked and lost because so much has changed. We may not realize how much technology has changed education over the last 20 years until we stop and think about what the classroom of the early 1990’s looked like. In Ms. C’s examples there would be no digital microscope and no integrated instructor workstations. In Ms. F’s examples, all communication between students and instructors would be focused on face to face only.
Specific Examples for engagement – this question was not summarized or analyzed.
Can you think of some specific examples when technology had a negative impact?Ms. C. mentioned when it does not work. Ms F. mentioned synchronous technologies for distance ESL students and instructors : sound quality, pace – going too fast, not understanding accents, fear of not understanding the functionality and not being able to see the speakers face to help interpret what is said. Technology needs to be appropriate for the situation, the instructor needs to be well practiced and comfortable with it and they need to be prepared with plan B when it does not work as it is technology and it does fail occasionally. One needs to be aware of the limitations of technology before rolling it out and prepared to adapt where necessary.
Describe the ideal physical classroom setup for technology use for your programBoth described the institute’s high technology classrooms: Instructional Development and Enhancement Area (IDEA). There are two of these currently in operation with four more planned to go on stream shortly. These classrooms are best described as the prototype classroom of the future with master touch screen, clusters of movable tables; each cluster has a computer, wireless technology, large interactive plasma SMART board; movable instructor podium, document camera and more. Check out these two links for more info. IDEA Room 1, IDEA Room 2 These classrooms are available but are not well suited for instructors who are less than technology experts. They also require on-going use to be able to remember how everything works.When used expertly, they create an immersive and engaging experience for all involved. This results in highly interactive and creative learning. These classrooms can also be used for back channel applications where students use their mobile technologies and Twitter accounts to ask questions and provide feedback to the instructor as the class proceeds. Students who rarely speak up in class could be more involved using their twitter accounts, however students with learning disabilities might find the pace is too fast or they might become over stimulated.
Sharing Technological knowledge – This question was not summarized or analyzed.
Reoccurring ThemeThere was also a reoccurring theme that kept coming up from both people throughout the interviews and that was the link between increased student engagement and technology when used properly. I asked Ms. F. what she thought the reaction of today’s student would be if we put them in an old blackboard classroom with no technology. “…… I think that we would get some kickback on that and some feedback as to….. almost making the assumption that I am paying for this course, where are the bells and whistles….. I would say that the student who has not been in the classroom for several years probably would not have a problem with it…….. but the majority of our students have had some experience with technology so again the expectations would be high. For the most part today, students expect technology to be used in the classroom. If comfortable with technology, instructors can use it to help with engagement in the classroom. However we need to remember that a classroom can still be engaging, without the use of technology.

Comments from my Classmates on the interview post:

“My first interviewee also spoke about increased student engagement at the elementary level.  She also noticed how well technology can engage the visual, kinesthetic, and tactile learning styles.  My second interviewee mentioned that he has trouble getting his students more interested in how to really use the technology so that it is the most effective tool it can be.  I find it really interesting that these things are also present at the post secondary level.” – Stacey Bernier

“The reoccuring theme you spoke about “…increased student engagement and technology…” I can certainly identify with.  My interviewee (Teacher A) is an advocate of integrating technology to enhance lessons, motivate students’ engagement and this he did not spare to talk about time and time again.  He emphasized that with the use of technology, students’ participation increased as students felt more confident as they engaged and collaborate.” – Shawn Harris

“Interesting you had the feedback that those students coming from high school had some prior background in using technology. I guess that would be specific to the school or district. I could see students having some post-secondary experience having used technology (look at this program for example). Many of the students I’ve spoken to in secondary school are still not using it is as much as they need to be.” – Darren Mitzel

Originally posted (Interview questions and responses only) on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L2: Interview – January 17, 2013


Interview Questions – Jan 12, 2013

Questions for an Academic Chair at a Post-Secondary Institute

1. Do you feel that students coming into your program are adequately prepared to use technology?

2. Do you see technology as a useful tool in the classroom? Why or why not?

3. What use of technology have you found to have the greatest impact or has evoked the most change in how your instructors teach?

4. What are some specific examples of how your instructors use technology to engage students?

5. Can you think of some examples of how technology has made a negative impact on students in your program?

6. How do your instructors share technological knowledge with each other? How do you think this can be improved?

7. Describe the ideal physical classroom setup for technology use for your program.


Video Cases: Clickers and Calculators – Jan 10, 2013

I watched the following two videos:

Clickers or Personal Response Systems (PRS)

Learning Environment 6 with Teacher G (Post-secondary Applied Science)

Graphing Calculators:

Learning Environment 1 with Teacher F (Mathematics Graphing Calculators)

Several common themes in both videos came forward. First the use of technology does not need to be scary and complex for the teacher. In both examples the clicker and especially the graphing calculator are basic and well known teaching aids. Second, I believe these technologies and the way they were used in these examples have totally changed the learning dynamics in the classroom.

The graphing calculator and how the teacher applied it, made it fun for the students to not only become proficient in using the technology, but for them to learn the mathematical concepts based on something relevant to the students. This drew them into engagement with each other, the teacher and the curriculum. Thus using math to create images relevant to the students is a brilliant way for them to have fun while learning.

The clicker example is a great way to generate some interest, engagement and activity to a lecture style, power point delivery method. The students were able to use the technology and to use their brains to think about the content as it is delivered. As indicated in the video, this created a bit of competition in the classroom as an incentive without exposing oneself to the risk of providing the wrong answer to a question. It also created some interactivity with students discussing the outcomes of the questions. It provides some engagement for the teacher and breaks up the potential monotony of a dry PowerPoint lecture. And finally, it provides some feedback to the teacher to validate that the students are getting it or not. If not then it is time to go back and try it again, a different way.

I believe these two examples would help students ameliorate a couple of potential conceptual challenges. The graphing calculator would help change the conception held by some students that math is boring and irrelevant. Students might find that they had so much fun they did not realize they were learning. The clicker example would help challenge the conception held by some students that lectures are boring and not worth attending because the Prof never stops talking long enough to ask questions. It also helps create a learning environment where the Prof does care.

Comments from my classmates on this post:

“My class and I just went on a field trip today where clickers were used as part of a presentation.  While it may have been pretty boring for the students to just talk about the answers to the questions, answering through the use of clickers added a bit of extra excitement.  The students collaborated together in small groups, agreed upon an answer and then were able to submit their answers via the clickers.  It was a different way for them to show their understanding and they seemed to both enjoy it and learn the concepts that were being taught.  This is definitely a tool that I would use in my classroom if I had it available to me.” – Julie Kendell

“I find clickers to be a fascinating use of technology in the classroom. While I have not experimented with it myself yet, I have a colleague who uses PollAnywhere and another site and allows the students to respond on a class set of ipods (or their own) and he can see their responses instantly. ….. He can show the class which answers were chosen (multiple choice) or pie graphs to represent what the class was doing. Students find this fun and engaging. I would like to try this out (when I find time! Hahah!)” – Alicia Wernicke

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L2: Video Cases – January 10, 2013


Unpacking Assumptions: What is good use of educational technology? – Jan 8, 2013

We need to be careful that we don’t just use technology because we can, and not get caught up in the wow factor. Also to be careful that just because we are teaching math, science or a technology that everything does not need to be taught with technology. There are plenty of ways to teach concepts and many of the old ways still work; always mix it up.

I am writing from a post-secondary perspective; thus here are some aspects that we consider before using technology. Use it if it is appropriate for the situation to help get an idea or concept across or to help students challenge their conceptions, which as we have seen maybe misconceptions. If a teacher struggles with trying to get a concept across time and time again then maybe this is an opportunity to use some aspect of technology to help in the delivery. I remember in a remote sensing class as a student trying to understand the concept of how satellites move or don’t move with respect to the earth. Some are geostationary over the same place like weather satellites and some orbit around the earth as it rotates below. I read it over and over again in the textbook and listened carefully to the Prof, but it made little sense. Eventually I spent some time thinking about it and modelling it with round objects and eventually figured it out. Many years later I found myself coordinating the development of curriculum for a program that included a remote sensing course. In a discussion with the Instructor who was rebuilding the course, we came to the same conclusion that this satellite orbit concept puzzled him as well as a student. So part of his curriculum development involved working with a multimedia expert to develop a simulation of satellite orbits that the students could work through on their own. This saved much time and frustration on the part of the instructor trying to explain it in class and it became a real benefit for the students as they no longer had to watch the instructor try to explain something that was difficult to get across.

Working for a Polytechnic, we need programs that are a fine balance of training and education. The employers love our graduates as they are more “job ready” than university graduates. Thus the technologies that we use are applicable and relevant to the jobs the graduates will be moving into.

Comments from my classmates and instructor on this post?

“I agree with you, Douglas.  Using technology is great, but it has to be balanced with methods that aren’t technology dependent. I find that I often don’t have access to the technology all the time anyway at my elementary school, as all teachers are scheduled for certain times to use the SMARTBoards, laptops, and iPads.  Limited resources means that we have to be creative with the technology, but also when we’re without it!” – Stacey Bernier

“I remember our good “Wow” factor discussion last semester in 522.  While the “Wow” can initially capture student attention, it often lacks the ability to really engage the student, and it’s that engagement that really keeps them coming back, dig deeper, and allows them to experience meaningful knowledge building.  Not to mention the great expense trying to furnish classrooms with Wow technology.  SMARTBoards are such a good example. They really can be very useful technological tools for the classroom when effectively used, but I suspect that in many classrooms they are just Wow, and not much more. A convient tool for the teacher, but too often not much more than an expensive projector screen.” – Peggy Lawson

” “…the old ways still work”. Interesting point. Sometime we do reinvent the wheel just to add in the wow factor of technology. I always want to pick the right tool for the job instead of just picking a tool that is new and flashy. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don’t like using technology for technology’s sake. If technology is the best way to get a concept across to students, that is great! But if there is another avenue that works better, then I don’t want to try to implement technology where it’s not needed.” – Jamie Peters

“A few years ago when I was at your campus with some of my students (Explore-IT confererence), I experienced some fabulous technology enriched STEM activities. Of these activities, the girls came back most excited about the sessions that involved project building/creation. I know that my district and your school have worked and continue to work in creating opportunities to partner up.” – Jerry Mah

“I couldn’t agree more with your post. Technology is just one tool that we need to keep in our toolbox and use only in appropriate circumstances. We wouldn’t use a hammer to paint a wall and as such we should select the right tool for the right job.” – Manpreet Loyla

“I liked hearing how modelling helped you to eventually figure out a conceptually challenging problem. This is an important insight for teaching within STEM education-and prompts us to ask how can modeling be integrated with digital technologies to achieve outcomes in learning and job readiness?” – Samia Khan – Instructor

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L2: Unpacking Assumptions – January 8, 2013


Conceptional Challenges: Is Greenland larger than South America – Jan 8, 2013

I found it interesting watching the video “A Private Universe” where they talked about inadvertent distortions or exaggerations of the earth’s orbit around the sun in diagrams in books and how children through to adults grasp this concept and can’t let it go. This resonated with me so I went on a quest to search for a resource that I could find to explore this idea. In the end it led me to maps as they are a flat diagram of our round earth and do have some significant distortions and exaggerations that we accept.

The number one assumption about maps is they all lie; however we quite often forget this assumption from childhood to adulthood. We create flat maps to represent the round earth because it is more convenient than carrying around a globe.

Have you ever tried to peel an orange and then flatten the peel out on a table; it buckles warps and splits. When a map is made, this happens but the buckles, warps and splits are hidden by the projection. One of the more popular projections is the Mercator which creates a nice grid of right angled longitude and latitude lines. However on the earth, all points of longitude (north/south) lines meet at single points at the north and south poles. To keep these nice right angled intersections in a Mercator projection, the points of the north and south poles are stretched out into long lines the same length as the equator. Thus the distortions in the polar areas are enormous and the features on the map such as Greenland appear to be much larger than they are. Thus Greenland appears to be larger than South America and Russia appears to be larger than Africa. In reality South America is eight times larger than Greenland and Africa is nearly double the size of Russia. (Toney, 2007).

There is a movement to actually ban the Mercator projection because of the misconceptions of the size of countries, continents and oceans created by this projection. There is no “right” map projection to use as they all have some distortions. Geographers generally agree that the Robinson projection is best but it is not perfect. So it is no wonder that we problems with our concepts about of the sizes of countries.

Technology does give us a definite advantage to solve this problem as it allows us to get away from the flat distorted paper map. Programs like Google Earth give us an accurate representation of the earth. Hopefully more and more people are using Google Earth rather than bringing up an old Mercator map on the internet such as Google Maps. And of course there is always the low tech but accurate standard that should be in every classroom; the globe which I am starring at as I write this posting.


Confrey, J. (1990). A review of the research on student conceptions in mathematics, science, and programming. Review of Research in Education, 16, 3-56. Retrieved online January 5, 2013 from

Driver, R., Guesne, E., & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Children’s ideas an the learning or science. Children’s Ideas in Science, 1-9. Retrieved online January 5, 2013 from

Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., & Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66(2), 211-227. Retrieved online January 5, 2013 from

Toney, A. (2007). Geography Misconceptions. Accessed online January 8, 2013 at

Comments from my instructor on this post:

“An intriguing question and visualization of the problem. The challenge to achieve perspective in geography and astronomy is noteworthy among children. Driver and Posner suggest the conditions to help address such conceptual challenges.” – Samia Khan, Instructor

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L2: Conceptual Challanges – January 8, 2013


Auto e-ography: My trials with digital Technology over the years – Jan 3, 2013

This posting is much longer than called for, but it was a fascinating journey for me back through time, framed around my educational and career experiences. To set the stage, I am of a certain vintage that I am a digital immigrant; thus I do have an occasional accent when I speak digital. For example, I sometimes refer to the “return” key instead of the “enter” key; read on and you will see why.

Over the last 24 hours, I thought of several first digital experiences over my life that I will briefly describe, and then tie it all together in a pattern that I now can see. In junior high school around 1970, I was one of the first kids to get a calculator. I begged my parents to buy me one; they finally gave in despite my older brother who was successfully finishing high school using a slide rule. When I started working in industry in the late 1970’s changes were starting to happen, digital technology started to creep in. The engineers were using the “mainframe computer” to do air shed modelling around sour gas facilities; this fascinated me, but it was only for engineers, not for technologists like me. In reality they were programming the computer using punch cards, not using a keyboard, monitor or mouse. Around the same time the secretaries on the floor were moving from electric typewriters to enhanced electric typewriters that had could display one line of text before printing, and they could store a whole letter on a magnetic card for later recall. This fascinated me, but it was only for the secretaries. I felt isolated and frustrated, the secretaries and engineers were using digital technologies, but I was not allowed. I did take one of these new typewriters for a test drive one day when our secretary was sick, I was hooked, but I got a real thrashing from the boss when he caught me at Mary’s desk.

In the early 1980’s while working in the Lab, we got some new analytical equipment that came with a PC computer. I immediately enrolled in a programming course so I could figure out how to use it to do some basic data analysis and data formatting. The course used a mainframe (finally I got to use a mainframe!) and it did not use punch cards, instead it used a line printer (sort of like an old teletype, no monitor, all paper based).
I returned to school in the mid 1980’s to do a B. Sc. It was getting costly to keep paying someone to type my papers so I spent a lot of time in the new computer labs figuring out how to work a word processor so I could do it myself (Mary would have been impressed!). I took a course in remote sensing and was fascinated – playing with computers and manipulating digital images from space. As image processing was math intensive, the remote sensing students got priority on the one new 386 computer with the optional math co-processor. To render one 3D image with a digital elevation model took about 15-20 minutes instead of up to an hour with the standard suite of 286 computers that the GIS students used, time to go for a coffee or lunch!

I continued my education and did a Masters degree in remote sensing in the early 1990’s. This is when I bought our first PC based computer: 1990. For my research, we had a digital Landsat image on the system that I could use, but I needed digital elevation data to marry to the image for the analysis. My supervisor ordered some digital elevation data from the province that I could use, this was a new product, and no one in the department had used it before. It arrived months later on six large magnetic tape reels, unfortunately it was at a low baud rate and the University did not have a machine that could read it. He suggested that I contact the local college to see if they could read it and copy it to an Exabyte tape. So I did, and it all fit onto one 8 mm tape cartridge (like a cassette tape on steroids!), that fit in the palm of my hand, amazing. After a bit of negotiating, I talked one of my colleagues into writing a program so I could get it into a format that our software could read. This was all much easier than the grad students one year ahead of me, who spent days and weeks digitizing the contour lines from topographic maps, and then they needed to run interpolation programs to convert it into raster data to get it ready.


One more digital story. After graduating I worked in industry in the mid 1990’s, this time developing applications for airborne imagery. GPS systems were just starting to move from research to be available to the consumer. Our pilot had purchased a rather large and somewhat inaccurate GPS to see if he could use it for navigation purposes. I was fascinated so I started using it to program our flight lines; 30-50 metre accuracy was close enough for our needs. This way I would give the pilot the flight line file the day before the mission. He would upload it to the GPS and after flying to the target area, he would concentrate on flying the flight lines and I could concentrate on collecting the digital imagery. Previously I would need to familiarize him with some landmarks as we approached the target area and then have him fly back and forth in the general area.

Now fast forward to 2013, how does this all fit together and what is the pattern? State of the art digital technology is only state of the art for a short period of time before it becomes assimilated into our everyday electronic tools. The calculator that replaced the slide rule has been integrated into our everyday tools: lap tops, tablets and mobile devices (I still have a couple of calculators kicking around the house). The capabilities of the mainframe computer used for air shed modeling used by the engineers and the early lab computer can be easily handled today with a simple spreadsheet program. Mary’s enhanced electric typewriter is integrated into our everyday digital devices. That 386 computer with a math co-processor can do nothing compared to the capabilities of today’s mobile devices. The whole process of combining digital data sets and rendering images is done instantly with fly-throughs with the click of a button in Google Maps and Google Earth. There is no need to order and store large data sets locally, we now just reach out to the cloud and magically and instantly it is there. And finally, our mobile devices and the new GPS watch that I bought last week blows away the accuracy and capability of the rack mounted GPS technology from the 1990’s.

This does not necessarily raise questions, but provides an insight into how fast we develop digital technologies and how quickly we consume them into our systems and never look back. When we do look back it is almost frightening how fast we are changing and how reliant we are on our technologies.

Comments from my classmates on my Auto e-ography:

“It was interesting to read your story and to connect with all your technology points in history. It’s funny to look at the computing power we had access to back in the days of the 386. What’s more amazing to me is the technology that NASA used to get a man on the moon. One other part of your post really resonated with me. While taking ETEC 510, I became interested in GIS and its application in K-12 education. I think this technology has really become accessible to classrooms through Google and others.” – Jerry Mah

“From the other side of the fence, I was one of the kids who enviously watched another student get a calculator. It was the 70’s and I vividly recall how unfair it seemed that he could get “magic” help with his math. He was always finished his assignments before us. The technology was pretty basic though – heating up the wires to show the answers seems pretty rudimentary now, but at the time – WOW!” – Samuel Nelles

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L1: Auto e-ography – January 3, 2013

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