Archive for the 'Framing' Category

Weeks Four and Five: Framing Issues Paper

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

Part of framing an issue is reflecting and writing about ones own definitions of technology and pedagogical design. This is included early in the Design section posted on January 26, 2013. I struggled several times trying to determine a topic for the framing issues paper. Initially with a proposal submitted to the instructor related the […]

Week Three: Interviews and Case Building

Monday, January 21st, 2013

Week three of the course: January 14-20, focused on colleague interviews to help me build a case to identify an issue in Math and Science education that requires further investigation through a review of current literature. An analysis of issues and questions identified in the interview in combination with a reflection of my auto e-ography, […]

Early lessons from this course.

Monday, January 14th, 2013

The first 10 days of the course moved very quickly from introductions to our early experiences with digital technology, conceptional challenges, unpacking assumptions and finally examining video cases to help flesh out our perspectives of what and how educational technology can be used in math and science classrooms, and any classroom.  I posted my thoughts […]

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