

E-folio Introduction

January 15, 2013

My name is Doug Connery, student in the UBC Masters of Educational Technology (MET) program. Welcome to my legacy of learning inquiry e-folio. The purpose is to capture my reflections as I work through the course: ETEC 533 – Technology in the Math and Science Classroom. Thus this e-folio is a collection of my artifacts of my on-going thinking throughout the course. The course runs January to April 2013.

Challis (2005) describes an e-folio as having the following characteristics:

  • Selective and structured collections of information
  • Gathered for specific purposes and showing evidence of one’s accomplishments and growth
  • Stored digitally and managed by appropriate software
  • Developed by using appropriate multimedia and customarily with a web environment
  • Retrieved from a website, or delivered by DVD

The folio is organized as follows:

Home contains my on-going blog that captures my overall thinking and learning throughout the course.
Introduction is the introduction to the e-folio and me
Framing, Design and Emerging are the three major themes of the course and contains my discussion postings.
Analysis is a summative examination of what I have learned throughout the course.
Resources contain some course resources including: course description, course objectives, course topics and course assessments.
Diversions is a record of some of the things that  I did while taking the course, organized by Work, MET and Life.

The e-folio is a major course assessment worth 45% of the final course grade.

The picture on the banner of this weblog is taken from Midnight Dome showing the Yukon River as it meanders into Dawson City, YT. I took this picture in August 2012 while visiting the region with my family.


Introduction to me, Doug Connery

January 2, 2013

My name is Doug Connery; this is my 10th MET course! I started in the MET program over three years ago in September 2009. To enable me to balance work, life and lifelong learning, I take one course at a time; thus I am on the scenic route through the program. Other courses that I have taken are: ETEC 500, 510, 511, 512, 520, 521,522, 540 and 565. However the end is in sight as I plan to graduate in May 2013.

I work as an administrator at a post-secondary institute. Specifically, I am the Curriculum Coordinator for the School of Business at SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary Alberta If you want to know more, here is a link to my digital story assignment for ETEC 565: What is a Curriculum Coordinator. My interests are in program and course design and development.

I am an older guy, not an “old guy” yet, although I did get offered a seniors discount at a store today. I was not sure at the time to be insulted (hey I am not a senior), or accept it. I decided to accept it. Like Peggy, I am a lifelong learner. I have a diploma in environmental quality control, a B.Sc. in geography and a M.Sc. in remote sensing. So I have a science background, but I have not used it much since my latest career diversion 14 years ago that landed me in educational administration. My past science based careers include: Environmental Technologist, Chief Scientist and GIS Coordinator. So taking this course will allow me to look back at my science based education and careers, learn about current trends in Math and Science education with digital technologies and discover how this experience will help me in my role providing curriculum support and leadership at the post-secondary level.

What do I do for fun? At work I try to keep my sense of humour and I always find entertainment value in anything or everything that happens day to day, even on those days that I care not to repeat…. In life, I enjoy being active. In summer this includes pushing the limits in the vegetable garden, road cycling and hiking/backpacking. Here is link to a video of a 2 week backpack that I did with my oldest son Linden in the Rockies in 2011, just for fun!

In winter my fun is primarily cross country skiing. A week before Christmas I was a volunteer official at World Cup Cross Country ski events held over four days in Canmore Alberta. Over the Christmas break I skied for seven days; on one of the outings I spotted a cougar on the trail, needless to say I turned around and got out of there before to cat decided to have me for dinner.  And if you are not convinced that I am passionate about the sport yet, tomorrow morning my wife Teriesa and I are planning on getting up at 4:30 am to watch the third last leg of the Tour de Ski in Italy. This is like the Tour de France but on skis.

While in the MET program, I find it a challenge balancing the need to be active with sitting in front of technology doing course work. Thus I could not imagine doing more than one course at a time.

I am looking forward to the challenge of this course and working with all of you.








Comments from my classmates and instructor based on this introduction:

“Congrats on getting to your final course!  I’m on the slow boat too, trying to balance a very demanding administrative schedule with a bit of higher learning.  I was nodding in agreement with your note about trying to stay active while completing the MET program.” – Gordon Higginson

“You are an active lifelong learner-nothing wrong with that!  We look forward to your insights and learnings in curriculum support and leadership and hearing about your vegetable garden. Welcome to ETEC 533”-  Samia Khan, Instructor

“Thanks for your great intro. Although I am not sure I would get up at 4:30am to watch a ski race, I could definitely be convinced to get up at 2am to watch a little IIHF hockey tonite. Go Canada!” – Jamie Peters

“Great to see another Calgarian in the mix. I’ve noticed a few us in the MET program – even had the opportunity to meet a couple. I look forward to learning with you” – Jerry Mah

“Hi Doug!  Good to see you again, one final time. Like you, I’ve enjoyed the long scenic route through MET, and started at the same time as you. It’s been a long trip, but well worth the efforts.” – Peggy Lawson

“Great to have you with us in theis course…Its a pleasure meeting you here and I do look forward to learning and sharing experiences throughout our final semester!  By the way dont you like getting into senior citizens line as it is shorter and much faster to get business done? ” – Shawn Harris

“I recognize your name, I think we’ve taken a course together before (512, maybe?).  Looking forward to working with you.” – Stacey Bernier

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MA-L1: Introduction – January 2, 2013

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