

Introduction to the Design page – January 9, 2013

Module B. Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences (TELE)

  1. Examining the Jasper TELE for learning theory, design principles, curricular integration
  2. Examining the WISE TELE for learning theory, design principles, curricular integration
  3. Examining My World TELE for learning theory, design principles, curricular integration
  4. Examining the Chemland TELE for learning theory, design principles, curricular integration

In this module, our objectives are to:

  • Develop a critical awareness of the implications technology has for students, teaching practice, curriculum development, and educational contexts, through analyses and discussions of foundational technology-enhanced learning experiences (TELE) in science and math.
  • Synthesize rationales for the design of these TELE drawing upon theories of learning.
  • Hypothesize the cognitive and social affordances as well as the limitations and constraints of these TELE.
  • Analyze how the technologies introduced in this module are integrated in a learning environment, paying particular attention to customization of the technology, nature of student activities, and role of the teachers.


Technology-Enhanced Learning Experiences (TELE) Synthesis – March 4, 2013

This synthesis includes the comparison and contrast of the four foundational technology-enhanced learning environments in module B of this course: Jasper series, WISE, My World and Chemland.

Jasper Project

The Jasper series was developed in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s at Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee to introduce students to realistic, context-based mathematical problem solving. The series is described by the following select authors: Biswas, Schartz and Bransford (2001), Bottge, Heinrichs, Mehta and Hung (2002), Cognition and Technology Group (1992), and Pellegrino and Brophy (2008).

Learning Goals

  • Development of mathematical problem posing and problem solving
  • Engage students in problem solving, reasoning and communication and to help students make interdisciplinary connections with other subject areas such as science, social science, literature and history
  • Examples:
    – relationships between distance, rate and time
    – Statistics and probability to solve a business planning challenge
    – Geometry and algebra applications


  • Anchored instruction – situated in problem rich engaging environments
  • Case-based, problem-based and project-based learning
  • Generative learning – refine existing knowledge to make sense of alternative points of view


Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE)

WISE was created by the University of California Berkeley, funded by the US National Science initiative. It was designed as a web-based science inquiry environment to promote lifelong learning in science. The initiative is described by the following select authors: Lin, Clark and Slotta (2003), Furtak (2006), and Williams, Linn, Ammon and Gearhart (2004).

Learning Goals

Prepare math and science students to employ the Internet as a lifelong learning resource.


  • Scaffolds student inquiries into pivotal and interesting cases and allows teachers to author their own cases
  • Technology and Inquiry
  • Foundational principles:
    – scaffold knowledge integration framework – students add ideas to their science knowledge and this reorganizes their knowledge
    – cognitive apprentiship,
    – intentional learning
    – constructivist pedagogy
  • Students have multiple conflicting view of science concepts


My World

My World is an education based geographic information system (GIS) developed by Northwestern University in Illinois. It is based on the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Arc/Info GIS. The initiative has been described by Edelson (2001) and Stylinski and Smith (2006).

Learning Goals

Construct interactive maps and analyze the maps using database and geospatial inquiries.


Scientific visualization incorporated into inquiry-based learning will nable students to develop understandings of complex phenomena in earth and environmental sciences.

Learning-for Use (LfU), four principles:

  • Learning occurs through construction and modification of knowledge structures
  • Knowledge construction is goal oriented both conscious and unconscious
  • The circumstances around how the knowledge is constructed determines how it is accessed in the future
  • Knowledge must be constructed in a useful manor before it can be applied



Chemland is a suite of chemistry simulations available for free. Khan (2007, 2010) describes how Chemland can be used with the T-GEM method of scientific inquiry.

Learning Goals

  • Support and scaffold students making connections among various abstractions
  • Foster learner conceptual understanding and development of inquiry skills


Technology-enhanced: Generate Evaluate Modify (T-GEM).

There are three components of the T-GEM model:

  • Generate – students are provided with information and asked to generate relationships
  • Evaluate – students are given new information that is in conflict with their initial information – thus they must evaluate the relationships they previously generated
  • Modify – students must modify the relationships they generated based on the new information

This method encourages students to generate their own rules or relationships given initial information. Then they are then challenged with new, often conflicting information and asked to evaluate the rules and then modify them based on the new information.


Compare and Contrast the Four Environments

All four environments clearly depart from a teaching centred information dissemination approach to science learning. Instead these approaches are student centred as they encourage student inquiry and provide information for the students to use as needed. The role of the teacher is to guide the students through the applications.

The students must apply problem solving approaches to move through each program, finding information and applying it to the questions asked. Jasper is the earliest, developed, pre Internet so all content, questions and answers are provided on the video-discs. It does provide the opportunity for teachers to ask different questions and provide new problems as long as the information and answers are contained on the video-discs. WISE is similar; however with the Internet available, students can go outside of WISE to research topics and find additional information. WISE also allows for students to have multiple conflicting views of science concepts and for teachers to author their own cases much like modifying existing modules or adding new modules to a learning management system (LMS).

My World, like WISE is based on constructivist pedagogy where students can with the aid of the GIS, combine different provided data sets and their own datasets to discover spatial relationships. Chemland and T-GEM is chemistry based and allows students to explore the wonders of chemistry through many different information sources. The environment is designed to create conflict that encourages students to re-evaluate and problem-solve new solutions.

Jasper is focused on Math problems, however it does make interdisciplinary connections with other subject areas and it embraces generative learning, a constructivist pedagogy, to refine existing knowledge to make sense of alternative points of view. The major disadvantage of Jasper is it is dated and would be very difficult to update due its fixed video-disc format. WISE is both Math and science based with many supplied scenarios that are reality based. The system permits teachers to do their own authoring so there is the opportunity to bring in interdisciplinary subjects to broaden the math-science focus. My World is geospatial so any science or social science concepts can be applied with this system including bringing in data sest from outside of which is provided. There are several disadvantages to MY World as it is complex and not an easy system to learn. It is probably the ultimate constructivist environment as students create new data and information by simply combining and displaying two or more datasets. The danger with this type of open environment is it is difficult to validate if what the students have created is useful or just meaningless artifacts. Without this validation and interpretation from the teacher, then it could create new unchecked misconceptions. Chemland is focused on chemistry and has series of simulations with fixed inputs and ranges so the constructivist approach is somewhat controlled.


Synthesis – what I have learned

Not being a math or science teacher, rather a post-secondary institute administrator, I went through these environments with an eye to observe the problem solving and constructivist approaches that they offer. The anchored instruction, problem solving, generative, case-based, scaffolding, inquiry-based, constructivist, interdisciplinary, conflicting views of concepts, knowledge construction, geospatial visualization and evaluative approaches need not be limited to the Math and sciences. For example, I can see how many if not all of these approaches can be applied in the area of business education involving accounting, financial services, marketing, management and administration.

I now see how two key concepts in this module are connected: misconceptions and constructing new knowledge. Misconceptions can be created or dispelled through constructing new knowledge which in turn changes knowledge structures. Under the careful guidance of the teacher or the technology environment, misconceptions can be corrected or modified, however without the careful intentional guidance, misconceptions can be enforced or new misconceptions created. This is most likely to happen in My World if the teacher is not fully aware of what the students are creating in this open system. The teacher needs to have a background in geography and GIS to fully guide the use of this software and the maps that students create. For example, My World could be used to dispel the misconception of country sizes based on the Mercator projection, or if unchecked, students could re-enforce their concepts that features in the Polar Regions are larger than they are. They could easily create maps showing these exaggerations and believe they are true.

In conclusion, I have hand my eyes widened in terms of the importance of understanding student misconceptions and the use of bringing in new concepts and new information to challenge student concepts as a way of context-based learning.


Biswas, G. Schwartz, D. Bransford, J. & The Teachable Agent Group at Vanderbilt (TAG-V) (2001). Technology support for complex problem solving: From SAD environments to AI. In K.D. Forbus and P.J. Feltovich (Eds.) Smart Machines in Education: The Coming Revolution in Education Technology. AAAI/MIT Press, Menlo, Park, CA. [Retrieved October 22, 2012, from:

Bottge, BA, Heinrichs M, Mehta, ZD, Hung, Y. (2002). Weighing the benefits of anchored math instruction for students with disabilities in general education classes. Journal of Special Education, 35, 186-200.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992b). The Jasper series as an example of anchored instruction: Theory, program, description, and assessment data. Educational Psychologist, 27(3), 291-315.

Edelson, D.C. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supported inquiry activities. Journal of Research in Science Teaching,38(3), 355-385.<355::AID-TEA1010>3.0.CO;2-M/abstract

Furtak, E. M. (2006). The problem with answers: An exploration of guided scientific inquiry teaching. Science Education, 90(3), 453-467.

Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Khan, S. (2010). New pedagogies for teaching with computer simulations. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(3), 215-232.

Linn, M., Clark, D., & Slotta, J. (2003). Wise design for knowledge integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Pellegrino, J.W. & Brophy, S. (2008). From cognitive theory to instructional practice: Technology and the evolution of anchored instruction. In Ifenthaler, Pirney-Dunner, & J.M. Spector (Eds.) Understanding models for learning and instruction, New York: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 277-303.

Stylinski, C. & Smith, D. (2006, August). Connecting classrooms to real-world GIS-based watershed investigations. Paper presented at the ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, CA. Retrieved Nov 15, 2012, from:

Williams, M. Linn, M.C. Ammon, P. & Gearhart, M. (2004). Learning to teach inquiry science in a technology-based environment: A case study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(2), 189-206

Comments from my classmates on this post:

“Great job! Quite an in depth post! In your synthesis, you mentioned that you are neither a math or science teacher but rather a post secondary institute administrator.  I am neither, but I am of the strong view that the frameworks presented could be applied to all curriculum areas to guide teachers’ use of effective technology-enhanced environment in the classrooms.  I like in particular that at the center of each framework is the learner!” – Shawn Harris

“What you said in the quote below really resonated with me. “All four environments clearly depart from a teaching centred information dissemination approach to science learning. Instead these approaches are student centred as they encourage student inquiry and provide information for the students to use as needed. The role of the teacher is to guide the students through the applications.” In creating my synthesis of the TELE’s one of the things that stuck out the most for me was also that each program or piece of software was based on a student-centered approach.  No longer is the teacher the bearer of all information, but instead students can discover and make meaning from information on their own.  Having the role of the teacher as a facilitator is such an important component of any classroom and I think that i benefits our students immensely when we give them the opportuity to take ownership over their own learning. Thanks for sharing your thoughts” – Julie Kendell

“A well written and comprehensive sythesis. One thing I didn’t touch on which you did were some of the disadvantages of using the TELEs we examined. In retrospect I think I will give this a little more thought as I am often too quick to find the positive aspects of technology tools and tend to overlook what the disadvantages are. Not that we should dwell on what is “bad” with certain tools, but to fully examine the usefulness or effectiveness of any tool looking at the pros AND CONS is best. The part of your post that stuck out to me was when you said: “There are several disadvantages to MY World…It is probably the ultimate constructivist environment as students create new data and information by simply combining and displaying two or more datasets. The danger with this type of open environment is it is difficult to validate if what the students have created is useful or just meaningless artifacts.” For me this brings up the questions – is there such a thing as being too constructivist? Can we start to rely too heavily on technology and students creating their own meaning (“meaningless artifacts” perhaps) that we become too much of a classroom observer?” – Jamie Peters

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MB-L5: Synthesis Forum – March 4, 2013


Maps: Do they really represent the earth? – February 27, 2013

Peeling an Orange

A map is a flat representation of our round earth; this is a misconception. If you have ever peeled an orange and then flattened it out, it does not look like the flat paper map or a map on a flat computer screen. This is the first clue that we do something to modify a map so it does not look bucked, bulged and split like an orange peel when presented. This modification is done through a projection. There are three main types of projections based on a flat surface or a rolled flat surface touching the globe: cylindrical, conic and Azimuthal (Dana, 2013). Areas that touch the globe are most accurate and areas that do not touch are distorted.

Projections and Misconceptions

Think of wrapping a piece of paper around a globe, the paper is in contact along the equator only and as you move towards the poles, the paper is further away from the globe. The highest accuracy is where the paper touches the equator and least accurate or most distortion is at the poles. And in between, the accuracy and distortions change the further or closer to the equator. Thus the classic Mercator projection is of this type and has created huge misconceptions about the relative sizes of land masses and countries depending on their location north or south of the equator. To illustrate this think about the piece of paper wrapped around the globe touching at the equator. The north and south poles are furthest from the paper and in fact the poles which are single points on the earth are represented by lines the same length as the equator! This is why land masses in Polar Regions appear much larger than those in equatorial zones. Mercator projection maps rarely show the areas north or south of 70 degrees because of the gross exaggerations. Although one can do this in My World and show that Antarctica is the largest land mass on earth – it is a map and maps never lie, right (Monmonier, 1996)?

During the cold war, the United States used this as a propaganda tool to over emphasize to the world the Soviet threat showing the exaggerated land mass of the USSR and Warsaw Pact nations – further north than the United States- using a Mercator projection (Walbert, 2013). This was further emphasized by colouring the USSR bright red on the maps.

The other misconception about this projection is the shortest distance between points across the earth. On a standard flat map It appears that to fly from Vancouver to London England, one would fly straight east, however the shortest route is over the northern polar region (Swartz, 2013). The same could apply to shipping in the open ocean. The shortest route from Vancouver to Tokyo to send wood products and bring back cars is not WSW, but a modified polar route along the northern BC coast, Aleutian Islands, Eastern Russia coast and then Japan. Sounds odd but try it with a string on a globe or by playing with the ruler and different projections in My World. Although airlines may not follow this route while flying from Tokyo to Vancouver (east bound) as they may take advantage of the jet stream further south to save fuel.

The other types of projections have their distinct advantages and disadvantages and none is perfect as it is not really possible to represent a round earth on a flat piece of paper without introducing some errors. Some of the compromises to the characteristics of the earth made when choosing a projection are shape (comformality), size (area/Equivalence) distance, scale and direction (Rosenberg 2013). No projection will retain all characteristics accurately.

 T-GEM Cycle

This is a great example to apply the concept of technology – generate, evaluate and modify (T-GEM) (Khan, 2007) A digital mapping technology such as My World (Stylinski and Smith, 2006) could be used to generate concepts of land mass size or flight routes, say based on a Mercator projection; this generates visual concepts. Then challenge students or have them evaluate thier conceptions with data that gives land mass sizes  and this will create an empirical-visual conflict – Greenland appears to be much larger than Brazil or Mexico, but the data says Brazil is four times larger than Greenland and Greenland is approximately the same size as Mexico (Wikipedia, 2013). Then students would need to modify their concepts, and generate reasons why. The same could be done with the shortest distances that planes fly between airports or ships take on the ocean between ports using different map projections.

As no one projection has all earth characteristics correct (shape, size, distance, and direction) then a projection that shows Brazil, Mexico and Greenland with the correct size proportions could be shown and the other distortions could be explored by cycling through the T-GEM framework several times. Ultimately the best piece of technology to support this activity is a class set of globes that the students can use for reference and maybe an old pull down wall map that is probably based on the Mercator projection.

Flat or Round Earth?

One final note, we should all be honorary members of the Flat Earth Society because we believe the earth is round; however we know our world locally and globally based on flat maps and not by the most accurate representation of the earth available, the globe.










Dana, P. (2013).  Map Projection Overview. The University of Colorado at Boulder: The Geographers Craft. Accessed February 27, 2013.

Khan, S. (2007). Model-based inquiries in chemistry. Science Education, 91(6), 877-905.

Monmonier, M. (1996). How to lie with maps. 2nd Ed. University of Chicago Press, Chicago Ill.

Rosenberg, M. (2013). Geography Guide: Map Projections. Accessed February 27, 2013.

Stylinski, C. & Smith, D. (2006, August). Connecting classrooms to real-world GIS-based watershed investigations. Paper presented at the ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, CA. Retrieved February 27, 2013 from:

Swartz, K., L. (2013). The Great Circle Mapper: LHR-YVR. Accessed February 27, 2013.

Walbert, D. (2013). Projections and Propaganda. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Accessed February 27, 2013.

Wikipedia. (2013). List of Countries and dependencies by area. Accessed February 27, 2013.


My World is a useful world for learning – February 19, 2013

My World is a geographic information system used for educational purposes based on the principles of the learning for use theory of learning. Edelson (2001) describes the learning for use learning theory principles as:

  1. Based on constructivism
  2. Goal-directed learning
  3. The learning context and accessibility of knowledge
  4. Knowledge must be constructed to support use

In addition, Edelson (2001) describes three steps in learning for use:

  1. Motivation
  2. Knowledge Construction
  3. Knowledge refinement

My World is educational GIS for middle school to post-secondary education that is based on the principles and steps of learning for use (Edelson, 2001; Stylinski and Smith, 2006). A GIS, however is a complex system of geographic data, analysis tools and display methods. My World retains the basic functionality of a GIS (based on the ESRI Arc/Info system) with data sets that permit teachers and students to work through articulating problems and scientific inquiries providing examples and solutions.

Regardless of the age of the student, teachers will need to understand the functionality of the system, the data sets and the examples to guide the students through using My World. Thus the main active role of the teacher is to guide the students through learning the functionality of My World and guiding the students through the use of the system to support their inquiries. The students can then use the system to create their own inquiries or answer questions posed by the teachers, either way with the power of the GIS they will be creating knowledge. The teacher can set goals for the students to achieve, however a GIS allows the student to explore and experiment guided by unconscious processes in attempts to make sense out of the experiences. If students are given the opportunity to use the GIS in meaningful context then they will create appropriate knowledge structures that will enable themselves to retrieve these structures to relevant opportunities in the future.

I had great fun playing with My World as I have a background in GIS applications. Here is a bit of a background on the calculation that I performed using My World. I am an avid cross country skier and I try to get out at least once every weekend from Remembrance Day to past Easter; summer is merrily a time to recover before I do it again next year! I set myself an achievable goal to ski 900 kilometres this season and a bonus if I could hit 1,000. So when I did the example in My World determining the cities within 500 kilometres of Vancouver, this sparked an idea. I decided to see how far it is from Calgary where I live to Vancouver to see if I could ski it this year by logging my weekly ski distances.

I set the distance calculation at 1,000 kilometres from Calgary and I found Vancouver is within reach, only 665 kilometres, as the crow flies. I checked my ski log for the season and I hit 675 kilometres by mid-February but that was too easy, besides who skis in a straight line anyways? I decided to check another application for measuring distance; Google Earth. This is a great application related to Google Maps but more sophisticated, more like a GIS but much simpler for calculating distances than My World. Within seconds I found the distance from Calgary to Vancouver at 677 kilometres, close to My World. Then I quickly did a road distance calculation; 976 kilometres from my house in Calgary to the Chan Centre at UBC Vancouver, via Highway 1 and the Coquihalla highway. Follow my progress on the Diversions page of this blog

As a result, I have now upped my goal to 1,000 kilometres to ski to UBC for graduation this spring! If I put my ski distances onto the highway, then here is where I have been. I crossed the Alberta-BC border on December 24, when I started this course on January 2, I was at Rogers Pass, the end of January saw me at Salmon Arm and today I am on the Coquihalla between Kamloops and Merritt.

Using this type of example of relating geographic concepts (distance, spatial relations and local geography) to something of interest to students is a great way to encourage their interest, engagement and learning. It also supports the four principles of learning for use. A similar activity could be designed for students by starting walking teams to set fitness and activity goals. Students could log steps or distances using inexpensive pedometers and My World or Google earth to track where they have been. Then the sky is the limit, dependent on the teachers interest and ability to use the functionality of the GIS.


Edelson, D. (2001). Learning-for-use: A framework for the design of technology-supportted learning inquiry activities. Journal of Research Science Teaching, 38(3), 355-385.

Stylinski, C. and Smith, D. (2006). Connecting classrooms to real-world GIS-based watershed investigations. Paper presented at the ESRI Education User Conference, San Diego, Ca.

Comments from my classmates and instructor on this post:

“I think tying in gps data to personal goals is a great idea.  I know of some classes, not just phys ed classes, who have done what you did with your skiing, and map your distance across Canada or a portion there-of.  A great motivator I think.  Smartphone apps such as RunKeeper make the technology even more portable and can instantly map your route and upload stats to a personal web log” – Peggy Lawson

“What an awesome idea for application of the GIS in life.  This is exactly the kind of stuff we want our students to be able to do.  I’m sure you’ll make it to UBC in time for your graduation as well!” – Stacey Berier

“Reading your post reminded me of anchored instruction – where one could track and simulate travel through a cross-country ski trip. Using GIS, students could look at the topography, the density of vegetation, and plot out a path. Weighing them down with varying levels of food, clothes, tent, etc. they could ski a loop to determine their rate of movement. How far could they ski in one day? Could they make it from point a to point b with ______ equipment and ______ food?” – Jerry Mah

“Thanks Doug-the example brings to life how one might create a challenge and as Jerry suggests, anchor instruction with the use of My World. Bravo for the ski challenge!” – Samia Khan, Instructor

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MB-L3: My World Forum – February 20, 2013


WISE is wise – February 16, 2013

Based on my limited exploration of WISE that focused on “What makes good cancer medicine” and “Plate tectonics”, I found that it achived many of the inquiry aspects as defined by Linn, Clark and Slotta (2002) including engaging students, diagnosing problems, revising views and forming coherent arguments. I found myself quite absorbed in the activities as it was challenging my memory of knowledge from high school, college and university courses in biology and geography. Somehow much of the information and knowledge stuck despite the teaching methods at the time that where probably lecture style and read the textbook. I would have probably been much more interested and engaged at the time if I have been given the opportunity to learn through the WISE modules in both high school and college/university.

In the previous module we explored the Jasper series and many of us, myself included, wrote about updating or modernizing this series. I realize now after exploring the WISE series why Jasper has not been updated despite all of the praise that we gave it. It is a great series, however since it is static on a video disc, it can not be easily updated; much like Web 1.0 delivers content and it is not interactive. At least Web 1.0 applications can be updated in pieces by the author as needed. Jasper can’t be done this way as the entire series needs to be done at once. As it was developed at the same time as the birth of the modern Internet, then perhaps Jasper could be considered Web 0.0 or Web 0.5.

As I was doing some authoring in the WISE Plate Tectonic module, it occurred to me that the entire series is built on a learning management system (LMS) much like Blackboard Connect, Moodle, Desire to Learn and other systems. It has the functionality to be updated on a regular basis by the author (Web 1.0) and customized by others and it takes input from students (Web 2.0).

I found myself in the authoring mode like many others have reported, attempting to broaden the perspective from that of a US focus to bring in Canadian and global examples. This included converting measurements to the metric system, giving Canadian and international examples of volcano and earthquake zones. I noticed the series did not give any examples of rift valleys, probably because there are none in the US. I find these fascinating as I have visited the rift valley in the middle of Iceland knowing that the land there is some of the youngest on earth. In contrast, the old Iceland Parliament was held in the rift valley and surrounding the cliffs for hundreds of years; it is one of the oldest parliaments in the world. I digress but only to make the point that WISE is flexible enough to add other aspects into the module based on the creativity of the teacher in integrating different aspects of the curriculum.


Linn, M., Clark, D. And Slotta, J. (2002). WISE design for knowledge Integration. Science Education, 87(4), 517-538.

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MB-L2: WISE – February 16, 2013


Perspectives on Jasper – February 9, 2013:

The Jasper series was developed by the Technology and Cognition Group at Vanderbilt in the late 1980s and early 1990s for middle school curriculum based on anchored instruction (AI). It is also known as the Jasper Woodbury Problem Solving Series. It was created in response to a need to develop curriculum beyond the traditional mathematics problem solving materials. The Jasper series takes advantages of the affordances of generative and cooperative learning situations (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt; 1992).

The Jasper series is dated, however the foundation of anchored instruction is an important pedagogy as it present real world and relevant problems for students to solve. As the material is presented in a storey format on a video-disc, the students need to be observant while watching the storey unfold and do their research while watching, or replaying the story to gather critical information.

Some may question if the Jasper series using anchored instruction was just a flavour of the time, too complex for the outcome or perhaps it missed the basics of math problem solving. However if we look at the Literacy and Essential Skills listed on the Human Resources and Skills Development Canada website, there is an interesting connection between the skills students learn through Jasper and the some of the skills needed by all Canadians for work, learning and life (HRSDC, 2013). These skills are under the major skill “Thinking” and include the core of the Jasper series: problem solving and the following skills that are also nurtured by the series: decision making, critical thinking, job task planning and organizing, significant use of memory and finding information.

So the Jasper series does support these needed essential skills. I wonder if there is a modern replacement for Jasper, maybe the Khan videos. Perhaps not as they probably do not dig deep enough into the fundamentals of anchored instruction to support Jasper’s complex problem solving .Now with the widespread use of the Internet, perhaps Jasper could be modernized using updated characters and Web 2.0 technologies to allow the students to go out and find the information, rather than having it presented to them. This would certainly take generative learning, one of the principles of the Jasper series, to a much higher level. It would also create the opportunity to add an information literacy component as the students would need to analyze and critique the information and data that they gather before using it as input to the problem solving.

I enjoyed watching a sampling of the Jasper series and I certainly feel that I would have enjoyed working through the problems if they were available when I was in middle school in the early 1970s.

Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1992). The Jasper experiment: An exploration of issues in learning and instructional design. Educational Technology, Research and Development, 40(1), 65-80.


HRSDC (2013). Literacy Essential Skills: Definitions. Site accessed February 9, 2013.


We Should Modernize Jasper – February 6, 2013

I really enjoyed the Jasper series even though it is quite dated. I believe I read somewhere that some teachers are still using the series, I can see why because of the reality based complex problem solving approach. I am not sure if there is anything out there quite like it. I see that Julie responded to the question about contemporary videos in reference to the Khan Academy and suggests that these videos are not aligned with the concepts of anchored instruction.

If given the opportunity, what kind of mathematical or science adventure might you design? I would take the approach that the Jasper series still adds great value to teaching Math concepts; however it should be modernized to fit in more with today’s student and our changed social and educational environment of 2013 and beyond. The Jasper series was innovative when it was developed 20-30 years ago so I would keep core values built around anchored instruction and modernize two aspects. The videos could be reshot using scenes and actors that represent today, either through real actors and sets or animations of the quality that kids experience every day in the gaming world.  The overall theme and problems presented in the Rescue form Boone’s meadow for example could be retained but, restated.

The second modernization that I would apply has already been stated by Samuel: bring in Web 2.0. I always need to remind myself that how we access, share, create, manipulate and view information has changed dramatically since we embraced the age of the Internet. The Jasper Series was created when the Internet was in its infancy so there is no reference to it even at a Web 1.0 level.  So there is a great opportunity in redoing Jasper to include a dimension of information literacy into the series. Rather than providing all of the information and facts in the videos, then the series could provide the opportunity for the students to go out and get some or all of it to solve the problems. They would gather realistic and real time data. A couple of quick examples in regards to Boone’s meadow that come to mind is rather than using a fictitious location, use a real location where the students need to find it in an application like Google Earth or Google Maps and do the measurements to find the distances for the calculations. Maybe Jasper has a SPOT messenger system and he sent his GPS coordinates. If you wanted to include a calculation that compensated for wind, then the students would need to find weather data from the nearest weather station to find the wind direction and speed. Maybe they would find it is too stormy to fly an ultra-light to save the eagle that day! They would need to search for different solutions.

How would instruction in this adventure help to address misconceptions or learning issues in math for some students?  The current Jasper series addresses two important math misconceptions: Math is boring and math problems are simple. Using the current Jasper series might give a perception that math problems are dated. With a modernized Jasper using Web 2.0, it would address a misconception that math problems are staged and static and thus are not realistic.

Comments from my classmates on this post:

“Your subject line along with some others’ posts had me nodding my head.  I think that the Jasper series has some great qualities and the ‘anchored instruction’ piece is so important in today’s classrooms.  I think that if we could take the basis that the Jasper series has provided and as you say ‘moderinze it’ we would have created an amazing TELE!  I agree that if I was to introduce these materials to my students that they would find them dated which I have found in the past can be unmotivating for some students.” – Julie Kendell

“That GPS idea was a pretty good one. The learning that is needed to understand coordinates is not too onerous, but requires yet another step for the students – which is good! Combine that with fuel tank size, engine efficiency, wind speed etc… and this is a tricky problem taht would take time and learning to solve! The Anchored Instruction idea of solving authentic problems rather than static and staged ones was well worth mentioning. GPS technology has an appeal to kids, and some may already be aware of it.” – Samuel Nelles

“Dated material often proves to be detrimental to motivation as students often consider it irrelevant or unrelateable. A modernization would surely increase the efficacy of the design, especially in the areas of motivation.” – John Lee

“I like your ideas for modernizing Jasper.  Since starting the MET courses, the whole notion of keeping digital learning resources and learning environments current has been a curiosity of mine (as it has for UBC as we see it sliding courses throughWebCT, then into Vista, now into Connect).  I wonder if the Vanderbilt group spent any time trying to forecast changes in affordances and availablility of digital resources when they were working on Jasper” – Gordon Higginson

“As teachers, I think we’re all looking for something like the Jasper Woodbury program.  It’s really hard to find something that is as effective as this proved to be.  The Cognition and TEchnology group at Vanderbilt sum it up nicely: Jasper Woodbury “emphasized generative learning anchored in meaningful contexts”.” – Stacey Bernier

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MB-L1: Anchored Instruction Symposium – February 6, 2013


Jasper Series Impressions – February 4, 2013

As I started reading about the Jasper series, the date of the material from the 1980’s and 1990’s concerned me. My initial thoughts were how this material could still be relevant.  Apparently some people are still using the series.

After viewing some of the videos and reading some of the material, my thoughts changed as I was intrigued at how the story lines drew me in to want to learn more. Even though I was viewing the videos to do a higher level evaluation, I found myself wanting to grab a blank piece of paper and pen and start writing down information, anticipating what the questions would be. Overall I am impressed with the series as a simple but practical method to present math problems in a very applied and relevant way.

Students can replay the video get more clues and information as needed. And as mentioned in the readings, there is enough information for teachers to pose other questions for the students to answer.


TELE Pedagogical Design: January 26, 2013

Technology Definition

I think of technology as tools that have not become mainstream; tools are technologies that are no longer unique and in the forefront. For example, the pen or pencil today are just common tools that we don’t even think of as technology, but at one time they were new technology. The key question is when did we stop thinking of them as technology?

Today we quite often think of technology as that of the digital domain, and the non-digital domain as analogue or the “old way”, and we sometimes forget that they are all technology. Only 30 years ago, many of our current digital technologies did not exist and thus we considered film cameras, AM radio and CRT monitors and televisions as technology.

With this in mind, I like the higher level definitions of technology about “us” rather than definitions that describe the physical tools; for example Roblyer (2004) “Technology is us – our tools, our methods and our own creative attempts to solve problems in our environment” and Muffoletto (1994) “a way of acting”.

Pedagogical Design

The technology must be applicable to the graduate when they enter the workforce, thus the experience they gain from working with the technology should also be related to the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful in the field they will be working in.

At a program level, these technologies need to be introduced gradually and perhaps more generically in semester one, then building in complexity and specificity throughout the program. Finally the last semester should bring all of the pieces together including the use of technology and experiences with the learned, skills and knowledge in a major and practical capstone course. This is an ideal pedagogical design to prepare graduates for the challenges that they will be hired for when they enter the workforce.


Muffoletto, R. (1994). Technology and restructuring education: Constructing a context. Educational Technology, 34(2), 24-24.

Roblyer, M. (2004). Integrating educational technology into teaching, 3rd Ed. Upper saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

Comments from classmates on my TELE pedagogical Design post:

“I like the time sensitive definition of pedagogical design that you laid out over the course of one school year.” – Manpreet Loyla

“When you mention technologies being introduced gradually in initial stages and built upon in later stages it sounds like a technology scope and sequence. I think this type of document is instrumental in moving schools forward in the area of technology.” – Jamie Peters

“What you describe in your post would be a great situation.  If all students could learn how to use certain tools in semester 1, by semester 3 they’d be able to choose the tool that they think would work best for them and the learning outcomes.” – Stacey Bernier

Originally posted on the UBC 2012W2 course-ETEC533-65A-Technology in the Mathematics and Science Classroom, MB-L0: TELE Pedagogical Design – January 28, 2013

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