Weeks Twelve and Thirteen: Information Visualization, Course Analysis and Course Sign-Off

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Information Visualization Information visualization helps students understand processes and the meaning of data through animations, simulations and modeling. There are many existing and easily accessible science and math based visualization tools available including: Model-It, NetLogo, Geometer’s Sketchpad, WiseWeb, Illuminations applets and PHET. Running a simulation is akin to messing about as described by researchers in […]

Early lessons from this course.

Monday, January 14th, 2013

The first 10 days of the course moved very quickly from introductions to our early experiences with digital technology, conceptional challenges, unpacking assumptions and finally examining video cases to help flesh out our perspectives of what and how educational technology can be used in math and science classrooms, and any classroom.  I posted my thoughts […]

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