Coca Cola – A Life Cycle


For over a century, Coca Cola has been a significant part of our society. Some might call it nothing more than soda, but this business has done so much more than provide the people with various soft drinks over the years. They put the red in Santa’s clothes, and “Coke” is the second most understood word on the planet. Coca Cola’s flagship product has brought customers back for more, mouths drooling, time and time again since 1886.

For an eternity, it was as if nothing could stop their signature cola from flowing. As each day passes, however, scientists toil away in labs in an effort to reduce unhealthy elements of the drink’s recipe without altering the famed flavour. Their endeavor is ultimately necessary because of the growing change in society’s demands.

In recent years, all kinds of healthy products and alternatives have seen massive success in the food and beverage industry. Ever since consumers began their gravitation towards nutritious choices, Coca Cola have scrambled to provide, developing drinks like Diet Coke and Coke Zero. Boasting their successful elimination of calories, sugar, and caffeine, and thorough market research has allowed Coca Cola to survive through this shift.

For the launch of Coca Cola’s latest product, “Coke Life”. Canada is about to be swamped by a flood of advertising showing flourishes of green. The beverage is marketed as a natural soda made with real sugar and stevia extract, “sweetened with natural sources”. Harsh criticism and low sales have followed its release in several other countries including Argentina, for many see this as a stretch. Indeed, there is a limit to how healthy Coca Cola can make their beverage appear. It doesn’t matter how much research is conducted in the labs, the business is restricted by their promise to maintain flavour. If society’s interest in health continues to advance at the same rate, Coca Cola might be in trouble.

The cutting of calories, sugar, and caffeine from their drinks is impressive, but Coca Cola will never truly be healthy. Replace the handle and the brush, and you a have a different broom. Perhaps Coca Cola will have to modify beyond recognition to stay afloat. Today, sales are still high for the business as a whole. Yet the release of Coke Life is just another reminder of Coca Cola’s ongoing struggle. How far can Coca Cola bend for society’s needs before they break? Our first vision of who we now perceive to be Santa Claus, a figure idolized by billions over the years, held a Coca Cola bottle, full sugar, full calories. Is it possible that the signature drink that brought this impossibly influential company into existence might vanish into oblivion?


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