
The commute to the University of British Columbia can be thought of as a daily hassle. This project aims to provide insights towards the fastest and safest driving routes to and from UBC during peak traffic hours. In doing so, the map will help to inform the public of any areas to avoid in order to minimize their commute times and avoid accident prone areas.

The project used a kernel density analysis approach using ICBC accident data and ESRI’s ArcGIS software. Through analyzing crash severity and frequency, a ‘cost’ surface path was made. This enabled the production four respective paths leading from UBC to arbitrarily chosen points in Burnaby, Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver (which are different municipalities in the GVRD).

The intended audience of these results are faculty, staff and students of UBC. Further collaboration with ICBC,  UBC and the municipalities would increase the accuracy of this project for its users. This project was conducted by Lucia Bawagan, Chelsey Cu, Tovi Sanhedrai and Lakshmi Soundarapandian as the final project of an Advanced GIS course (GEOB370) at UBC.


Next section: Introduction

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