Settler Relations

A Blog for English 470

3.1 Mosaics: Intervening on the Canadian Multiculturalism Act

(Bonita Lawrence on Indigenous Studies and Anti-Racist Studies) Official policies, laws, and governing doctrine are important works to be examining in our criticisms and investigations of colonialisms and Canada. The Indian Act’s racist, sexist, and violent history continues to enforce how our government defines and relates indigeneity. I am currently fascinated with the interactions of […]

2.3 (Re)conviviality, Zombies, and S. Moodie

“I planted him in this country like a flag.” -Margaret Atwood, “The Journals of Susanna Moodie”  I first heard of Susanna Moodie, as I suspect many English majors hear of Susanna Moodie—through the poetry of Margaret Atwood. I was nineteen and backpacking through Montreal. I had just been broken up with and thought it a […]

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