Settler Relations

A Blog for English 470

Category: Uncategorized

Assigned Section: Webbing Crusoe

Tse Che Nako, the Thought Woman, Weaving the World into Being” (2007), Lauren Raine What I love so much about how King articulates “Thought Woman” is his parallel with her to Robinson Crusoe. Immediately off the bat as she navigates her way across the territories that King describes, he lets her self-determine as “Robinson Crusoe […]

I came across the “four old Indians” (1094) as I was in the midst of organizing the 5th Annual F-Word conference, an organization on campus which is committed to showcasing queer, feminist, indigenous, and decolonizing research at the undergrad level. This year’s proposal of hopeful students span academic disciplines, but a topic that bears repeating […]

3.1 Mosaics: Intervening on the Canadian Multiculturalism Act

(Bonita Lawrence on Indigenous Studies and Anti-Racist Studies) Official policies, laws, and governing doctrine are important works to be examining in our criticisms and investigations of colonialisms and Canada. The Indian Act’s racist, sexist, and violent history continues to enforce how our government defines and relates indigeneity. I am currently fascinated with the interactions of […]

2.3 (Re)conviviality, Zombies, and S. Moodie

“I planted him in this country like a flag.” -Margaret Atwood, “The Journals of Susanna Moodie”  I first heard of Susanna Moodie, as I suspect many English majors hear of Susanna Moodie—through the poetry of Margaret Atwood. I was nineteen and backpacking through Montreal. I had just been broken up with and thought it a […]

Thoughts On Home

  Thinking through how we define, or relate to home was such an interesting idea and each person in this class parsed through such convincing, beautiful, and entirely different ways of challenging home. I’ve sorted my thoughts into four separate ideas. Shifted/Lived/History/Future Shiftedness- I love the idea that home for many of us is always changing, […]

Question 1: Cultural Ambivalence and Indigineity

I like this question and what it’s asking. This question, like a hyperlink, is a careful invitation to stray off the path of what is easy–to read linearly, it is a call to re-imagine these stories as more than opposing dualisms. So let’s click away, explore what these stories could mean in relation to one […]


He had found the scissors, rusting and shivering among the basil five years later. He was fourteen and he had forgotten of these things, had forgotten of the horn-rimmed handle, how cold the shears had been, how weighty their whole body was in his hand, as though they had purpose. He had meant to find […]

death came into my house

  my house was not always like this. listen, come close. I was seventeen the day that death came here. and it was good before then because I was not aware of things or many things, I should say, and the way that I was not aware was that I could feel with my whole […]

Hyperlinking: Eternity, Futurity, and Cruel Optimism(s)

Question 7: This comic for me, conveys many of the ways that technology augments and mediates cultural production Much like high art can only exist by the denigration and dismissal of say, graffiti, technological advances in social media are at risk of being constructed as frivolous or arbitrary in comparison to ‘frontline’ activism. In fact, […]


Hi and welcome to my course blog for English 470: Our Home and Native Land. The course intends to sort through histories of past and present colonization on indigenous peoples across Canada, placing storytelling as an embodied act of history-making at the forefront. The course is augmented by the Internet, using blogs, twitter, vlogs, skype, […]

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